I think you are in. If I understand RedFred correctly he bowed out of this one but may joiun another PBEM at a later stage if his stalled ones don't pick up soon:
Originally posted by RedFred
I think I am already in enough PBEMs anyway.
So I think
The Clone Wars II is:
Black Sunrise
And to answer your question - yres, the pirates attributes, techs etc reside in all the clone factions - just the leaders, basenames and quotations are different (although you don't see the latter in PBEMs as real humans reply to your taunts, etc)
I and II will be on their way this evening.
Large map, 70% to 90% water, fast start of 3 seapods and 2 gunfoils, (so early contact probable), transcend difficulty, average everything, spoils off, random off, all victory conditions enabled except co-operative (with 4 players this avoids the 3 versus 1 ganging up), no AI
If you have any password that is near and dear to your heart, e-mail it to me at:
otherwise you'll get what I assign you.
Suggested standard 'Poly rules apply except for:
stockpile energy allowed in the build queue at any time
unit upgrades allowed at any time