October 27, 2001, 21:24
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Meroe, Napata and Kerma were the most important Kushite kingdoms, Locutus. All 3 managed to do a bit of conquering. There were others such as Korosko, Abu Dis, Yam, Ta Seti and Abu Hejaz, and they were extremely weak and unimportant.
The Scythian capital could be Panticipaeum, just south of modern Kero in Ukraine. Other Scythian cities could include: Chersonesus (modern Sevastopol in Ukraine), Oblia (south of modern Cherson in Ukraine), Tanais (near modern Taganrog in Russia near Ukraine), Tyrus (near modern Odessa in Ukraine) Dioscurius, (modern Sokhumi/Suchumi in Georgia), and Pityus (near modern Taupse in Russia)
The Arab UU could be a camel-back warrior of some sort.
The Armenian leader could be Tigranes II. The capital could be Erevan (modern Jerevan in Armenia). Other cities could be Van (in Turkey), Shapur on the inland sea south of modern Khvoy in Iran), Artaxata (modern Artasat in Iran), Tiflis (modern Tblisi in Georgia), and Kars (in Turkey).
Funan is in modern Burma, just in case you weren't sure of the exact location. I can't find out anything on them though.
October 27, 2001, 21:36
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Thanxs for correcting my errors. How about putting in the vikes or the celts, were they still around during this time/ were they there yet
October 27, 2001, 21:43
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The Celts were at that time only around in Britain, and all the disunified tribes were tributaries to Rome. The Vikings had no impact on history until well into the Middle Ages. Back then they were just a bunch of small farming settlements scattered across Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
October 28, 2001, 11:34
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Well i have a slot open for a civ currently so what sould it be?
October 29, 2001, 02:15
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That's a hard question. Maybe the Mauretanians who lived in Morocco, the Thracians in Turkish Europe, Bulgaria and Greece, or Dacia in Romania. Or try and find another Native Amercan tribe.
October 29, 2001, 04:27
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Mongoloid Cow,
You're absolutely right about Nubia of course, I was messing things up (confused Nubia and Ethiopia - and I accuse others of being too western-centric ).
As far as filling that last slot goes, I think I would go for a South-American civ, 2 civs to cover the Americas isn't much. I would say, if you want to cover the Americas, cover them well or don't cover them at all; but that's just my opinion of course. I know there aren't any really great civs in South America around this time but there are a few options to consider. Personally I'd favour either Tiahuanaco (Bolivia) or Nazca (Peru). Strictly speaking these cultures didn't really kick off until around 200 AD but they already inhabited their respective areas much earlier and quite frankly, other choices wouldn't be all that much better. A good URL about South American civs can be found here, maybe reading that will help you a bit chosing an appropriate civ (or just go with 'South American civs/tribes'). The only really tough thing would be to come up with a suitable leader and UU (and possibly city names).
October 29, 2001, 20:51
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as i have said before it should be goths not
"germanic tribes"
indo-scythian empire instead of, what was it? indians
October 30, 2001, 18:05
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The Goths were a branch of the Germanic tribes.
member of a Germanic people whose two branches, the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths, for centuries harassed the Roman Empire.
October 30, 2001, 18:20
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Here are two more Unique Units that you could add to the existing Roman Legion UU in the game.
COMITATENSIS (analogous to Mounted Legion)
LIMITANEI (analogous to Border Guards / Reservists)
During the Third Century A.D., the Roman emperor Gallienus introduced a fast, mobile striking force mounted on horseback known as the "Comitatensis", a sort or 'Mounted Legion'.
Before this time, Roman officers and soldiers sometimes rode horses to the scene of the battle but dismounted to fight. Gallienus' "Comitatensis" troops were real cavalry in that they fought from horseback as well.
Diocletian and Constantine officially divided the Roman army into the "COMITATENSIS", or mobile fighting force, and the "LIMITANEI" or troops assigned to guard the frontier. This pattern was kept and maintained until the end of the Western Roman Empire.
The idea behind the "COMITATENSIS" was to have a highly mobile field army that could be ready to go anywhere in the empire at a moment's notice and be on the scene of trouble in two to three weeks.
October 31, 2001, 09:33
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Well, you can all put your scenario plans on hold for now. What you are proposing in this thread is impossible, because the editor, as of now, is a worthless piece of garbage!
To begin with, starting locations are ALWAYS random. So you can't place the Russians in Russia, for instance.
What's more, you can't create cities, only starting locations!
And, while it may not matter for this particular scenario (1 AD), only global maps are possible (so you can't have strictly European scenarios).
All of these were possible using the old Civ II editor, for crying out loud! I am unbelievably disappointed in this editor.
Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.
October 31, 2001, 09:42
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Still, you can create a Random Mod using Ancient civs...
I do have a city list for many of the civs you are proposing to include.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
November 1, 2001, 18:41
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let's keep this on top, in the *hope* that Firaxis will soon release a patch that allows us to place units and cities...
November 9, 2001, 14:45
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I am quite disappointed with the editor too. How can they call that even an editor, but anyways...
First off i'm not doing this on a flat map of europe in anyway, europe wasn't even the dominant power at this time china was. This map is of the WORLD at 0 C.E, just to clarify to someone who said that i can't do a europe map.
I'm not doing the goths cause of the same reason someone said earlier. I want to qualify them as all of the Tribes in Germany.
And Locutus, i plan on using a south american civ, i'll get back when i choose which one
November 9, 2001, 17:32
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When Firaxis releases the patch, I hope this helps:
3) Parthian Empire
Hecatompylos - near Shahrud, Iran
Tegae - ?
Rhagae - Tehran, Iran
Ctesiphon - near Baghdad (east of Tigris), Iran
Vologesius - near An-Najaf, Iraq
Charace - somewhere near Kuwait
Spasinou - ?
Apamea - south of the Elbruz mountains, between Hecatompylos and Rhagae
Charax - between Apamea and Rhagae
Dara - ?
Margiane - Mukry, Turkmenistan
Assak - near Quchan, Iran
Seleucia on the Tigris - near Baghdad (west of Tigris), Iran
Nisa-Hithradattar - near Aschabad, Turkmenistan
Eqbatana - Hamadan, Iran
Susa - Shush, Iran
12) Arabs
Makoraba - Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Yathrib - Medina, Saudi Arabia
Tema - Tayma, Saudi Arabia
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Hardiya, Saudi Arabia
Petra - in Jordan
Leukome - ?, Saudi Arabia
14) Meroe
Meroe - Ad-Damir, Sudan
Napata - Marawi, Sudan
Kerma - Dalqu, Sudan
Berenice - Ras Banas Peninsula, Egypt
Berenike - near Port Sudan, Sudan
Halaib, Sudan
16) Armenia - leader: Artavasdes III to VI
November 10, 2001, 10:45
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One thing I'd really need to point out is that the coastline then was different from today. Go to Harlan's site and look at the 2AD map. You'll see the present-day Yangtze Delta wasn't formed yet, and the present-site of Shanghai was miles offshore.
That map also gives you all the major cities and roads during that period. And one important river, the Huang (or Yellow) followed a course in its lower parts (Luoyang and onwards) north of the course today.
And one more thing: the map shows Chang'an as the capital. However, the leader in the scenario, Liu Xiu, moved it to Luoyang when he ascended the throne in 25AD. You can see the new capital to the east of the old one, on a major road junction.
Of course, the population density shown on the map also gives a good picture of how large the cities should be.
November 10, 2001, 14:09
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Where is Harlan's site. The address please?
“If it had not been for the discontent of a few who had not been satisfied with their condition we would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.”
--Eugene Debs
November 10, 2001, 19:07
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look under the China section.
November 10, 2001, 20:32
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Re: help produce a scenario at 1 C.E.
Originally posted by Mars
10) Olmec(Central America) - ?(?)
I feel that I have to point this out.... At this point in time the olmec's should of have been assimilated by most of the other native tribes in there area. Also, the olmecs where african settlers, not native americans, making there representation as an american civ kinda off.
I have to say though, it's hard to find the right civs for the american continent since so little is known about the time... Someone wrote about the civ near lake titicaca: good reference/starting point. However I can say pick up one of those free mormom books. Lots of pictures in there about ancient americans - myth, but still it can inspire for UU's, cities, culture, etc.
Afterall, what will you have? One big conected continent: africa, eurasia, and america isolated (3 civs in america, rest in the old world)? The way the AI plays it won't take them so much time to get into the americas anyway.
just a few thoughts....
November 11, 2001, 10:05
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the olmecs where african settlers
Where did you get that?
I know those Olmec statues are kinda African-looking, but this african settler thing hasn't exactly been proven yet.
Afterall, what will you have? One big conected continent: africa, eurasia, and america isolated (3 civs in america, rest in the old world)? The way the AI plays it won't take them so much time to get into the americas anyway.
well, we can't make it perfect. Civ3 can't perfectly simulate real world geography. It's kinda unrealistic, i know, but there really isn't anything we can do about it.
November 11, 2001, 14:58
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Originally posted by ranskaldan
Where did you get that?
I know those Olmec statues are kinda African-looking, but this african settler thing hasn't exactly been proven yet.
I got "that" from reading various materials at one point in time... It's true that this thing hasn't exactly been proven yet, however there is just alot of circumstantial evidence supporting that theory. When considering the facts, I side with my above post.
BTW, I had an idea for the Inuit's UU. The dog sleigh unit should be replaced by a inuit hunter. These "warriors" IRL would go out for a long time in the artic cold to get food. Also skins and furs... not very easy considering how cold it is in much of northern canada and alaska. I would give them an ADM of 1/3/1.
This would give the inuits, an early golden age and some good defenses incase the europeans decided to cross over.
November 12, 2001, 15:08
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Be careful about the Olmecs thing.... I believe not enough evidence has been found yet, or else the African origin of the Olmecs would have been the Theory of the Century or something, and overturn mostly everything in our current knowledge of African and American history. So, since it hasn't been proven, I wouldn't be so confident about it.
As for the Inuits, well, they'd be stuck in the tundras, and thus rather unplayable (by the human or the AI) so I'd probably pick another civ... I'll get back to this next time. But the Inuit Warriors thing would be a good idea, though we probably need another name.
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