I'll answer what I can - and anyone, feel free to correct any info that is wrong as this is how it had been explained to me...most of my answers are more conceptual rather than providing the specific formulas though.
Originally posted by jfl92
Does anyone know where i can get information about the way ctp2 compute :
- the fights ?
The system is different than in the past. Battles are based on both of a unit's attack/defend numbers - and a battle is a series of rounds, whereby each unit will first use its attack number, and then use it defend number. (modifiers are also added in). I do not know the exact formula used though.
Unit A has attack of 10 - defend of 15
Unit B has attack of 15 - defend of 20
So in the first round, unit A attacks at 10 - unit B defends at 20
then unit B counters with an attack of 15 while unit A counters with a defend of 15.
This continues until the battle is resolved.
Originally posted by jfl92
- production of a city given the government, its population and the amount of the surrounding cases ?
- same with city growth, science and money income ?
Government info located in govern.txt.
The amount of gold/production/food produced in a city is also figured differently from the past, since the worker system has been replaced by the concept that all tiles within a city radius are worked, divided by the population (in a nutshell). The gains by Specialists are regulated by pop.txt.
Originally posted by jfl92
Some more precise questions :
How is the armor used in damage calculation ?
How many hit points do the various units get ?
I can't remember the basic concept behind the armor (it's been a long time since that was explained to me), but I do know that it will make a unit stronger on defense, as firepower will make a unit stronger on offense. (either giving a unit a greater chance to inflict hits, or making a unit more resistant to receiving hits).
All the above info is regulated in units.txt.
Originally posted by jfl92
Are the gold improvment buildings of any use for science ?
Yes, in that a portion of your gold goes to science. Be aware that gold generated by trade goes directly into your savings though - it does not figure into your gold for science. (Basically, the effects of trade has been weakened) As a sidenote, this is a plug to use the UnitUpdater SLIC code from Peter Triggs, as this allows a player to upgrade obsolete units with his gold from his RB fund, making that fund a great deal more important.
Originally posted by jfl92
Does a granary increase the food produced by farmers or only the food from surrounding cases ?
Yes, it increases (by %) the amount of food taken in. I believe that it does take what the farmers produce into account too - though I have never checked this. A quick way to test this would be to see what your city is producing in food before a granary is produced and then after - using specialists as part of the mix.
Originally posted by jfl92
Where can i see the production costs of the units ?
In units.txt.
Originally posted by jfl92
Ground bonus during fights apply to defense, attack or hit points ?
Terrain, fortify, city improvements apply to defense. Movement penalties apply to offense.
Originally posted by jfl92
Are the attack and defense rate considered as % to hit and % to avoid (triggered when the defending unit is hit) in which case a 20/10 unit would statisticaly beat a 10/50 unit ?
See above for combat explaination...
Combat would be the following (no modifiers used)
Unit A - 20/10
Unit B - 10/50
Each round of battle
Unit A - (20) against Unit B (50), then
Unit B - (10) against Unit A (10)
Unit B has the advantage.
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