Note on Unit Editor... good news or bad news?
I looked at the unit graphics the other day and noticing as we all have that Civ3 will have units with color codes (like Age of Empires) instead of the colored shield like Civ2. Looking at this, I thought of something...
1) This could make editing a pain because you have to to change so many frames of different color units (hopefuly cutting and pasting will be easy and then you just fill with the new color) Remember 16 civs at once, a lot of changing! (hopefully their is a copy unit or copy frame for all corresponding and making the color code a transparency or something).
What could be GOOD, is that if this is true then we can do something really cool for scenarios. For Example: WW2 you can make infantry have the various uniforms of different nations. Or instead of making all UUs, units that have the same ratings can just hav different graphics based on the player (and assigning tat color to a specific country).
Anyone know any info contrary to this?