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Old April 3, 2000, 14:55   #1
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War Of Ages Scenario
War Of The Ages Scenario

I am in the process of creating a new scenario. Below is the Readme
file, indicating what I have done until now. Comments welcome.

War Of The Ages


It is peace in the world of Kvarenon. It seems to be similiar to our
world, but a closer inspection will notice a key difference. In the
world of Kvarenon, all ages live separated from each other, including
babies, who are immeaditly after birth left to survive on their own.
Fortunately, the babies in the world of Kvarenon have some magical
blessing, and they usually survive (Dont start asking how- I am
making a fun scenario, not a realistic one.) Babies and Kids live in
the same valley, and in the nearby valley live the Adults and Gramps.
Between the two valleys are the Teens. There has been peace for some
time, but now the Adults and the Gramps are on the move. They seem
to have some weird obsession about 'taking care' of the younger ones,
something virtually unheard of in Kvaernon. War is coming...

Important notes:

- This scenario is intended to be played with the Kids or the Babies.
You can still play with any of the other civs, but the storyline
is from the perspective of the young.

- You *must* have Fantastic Worlds installed to run this.

- To stop the computer from breaking the alliances that are so important
to the storyline, nobody can talk to anybody else. This includes the human
players, since there is not much reason for negotiations here. All the
treaties are pre-determined, so dont bother your head with that.

- Government switching is not allowed.

- No technology can be gained through conquest.


Babies (0-3 years):

Always looking for a way to get things they want, with as little
effort as possible. Since they are so lazy, they is a change that
the "old-guys" might get them to join voluntarily. But since this
would require some effort, they probably wont.

Kids (4-12 years):

Erratic and short-tempered, the kids posess some of the laziness
of the Babies. They also see little reason to diplomacy: if somebody
is bad towards you, beat the living hell out of him. If any other
age tries to interfere with their life, they are rallying to arms
faster than you can blink an eye.

Teens (13-20 years):

More civilized than their younger counterparts, the Teens are a
pretty passive civilization, living peacefully between the valleys.
If some of the older ones wishes to conquer the younger ones, they
might make a deal and let the old ones pass, or they might decide
to not take a chance and kill the old ones. They dont want anybody
to interfere with their lives.

Adults (21-50 years):

Mostly headed for intelluctual growth, the Adults have lately
become obsessed with 'taking care' of the younger ones. They ignore
the fact that the younger ones dont want this, and are prepared to
wage a war in order to get what they want. They are willing to
strike a deal with the Teens, trading the right to enter the valley
of the young in exchange for cash.

- This is the conquest-crazy warmonger of the scenario.

Gramps (51+ years):

The Gramps have only a token military force for their old age has
made them weak, but they do have an extremly strong intellectual
capacity, even stronger than the Adults. If the Adults would start
a war of conquest against the young ones, the Gramps would probably
be willing to supply some information to the Adults in exchange
for some babies to take care of.

- These are mainly a filler civ.

A comparison between the different Settler units:

Baby Settlers - Very Cheap, but thats the only plus
C: 2 M: 1 A: 0 D: 1 HP: 1 F: 1
Explanation: There are loads of babies (low cost), but they are not
prepeared to a harsh life (low attributes)

Kid Settlers - Cheap, trades high movement for low HP
C: 3 M: 2 A: 0 D: 1 HP: 1 F: 1
Explanation: Eager for adventures (low cost), and have often high
dexterity (high move).

Teen Settlers - Standard Price, faster than Standard Settlers
C: 4 M: 2 A: 0 D: 1 HP: 2 F: 1
Explanation: Some of the foolhardness is gone (moderate cost), but
they have still not lost their dexterity (high move). They also are
quite fit (2 HP).

Adult Settlers - Expensive, but has more HP and firepower Standard Settlers
C: 5 M: 1 A: 0 D: 1 HP: 3 F: 2
Explanation: Most Adults have already settled and are reluctant to move
(high cost), but they have a lot of experience of life and its obstacles
(3 HP, and high firepower).

Gramps Settlers - Very Expensive, and the equivalent of a Baby Settler
C: 6 M: 1 A: 0 D: 1 HP: 1 F: 1
Explanation: Most Olds have already settled and are very reluctant to move
(high cost), and their physical shape is not suited for the harsh job of
settling (attributes the same level as the Babies)

Techs: (Only read if you dont want to discover these yourself!)

Note that the Teens, Adults, and Gramps only have a very limited tech tree,
with no new techs to be aquired, with the expection of those gained through
events. Remember, only the Children civs are intended to be played.

- Child Special
Common to both the Babies and the Kids. Child special serves as a prerequisite
for several technologies only for the children.

- Cartoons
Requires Child Special. Allows the construction of the Cartoons improvement
(functions as cheap colosseum).

- Swimming
The Kids have this at start, Babies have to research it. Requires Child Special.
Allows the construction of the Swimmers unit and the Fish Catching improvement
(functions as a harbor).

- Better Diapers
Requires Baby Tech. Creates a few extra units for the Babies, and allows the Better
Diapers improvement (functions as a police station). Allows the Kid Research together
with Baby Tech.

- Kid Research
Requires Better Diapers and Baby Tech. Gives the Babies and the Kids the Merged Troops 1 tech.

- Baby Research
Requires Kid Tech. Gives the Babies and the Kids the Merged Troops 2 tech.

- Merging Troops
Requires Merged Troops 1 and Merged Troops 2. Allows the Baby/Kid Force unit.

- Age Intercourse
Requires Merging Troops. Allows the KTB (Kid Turned Baby) and BTK (Baby Turned Kid)
units. Gives the Kids the Better Diapers advantage.

- Child Kidnapping
Received by the Adults and the Gramps on turn 3. Initiates the build-up sequence where
the Adults gain several CD (Child Distribution) Center units around the map, and allows
the Raider unit and the Child Distribution Center improvement.

A word on the units:

- Each of the civs has their own versions for Warriors, Riflemen, and Settlers (For
example, Baby Settlers and Kid Settlers). Generally, the older the faction the higher
the cost, but other attributes usually rise as well (With the expection of the Gramps:
they have high cost and lousy stats).

- The unit Child Distribution Center is quite different than the improvement. The CDC
unit are immobile units placed around the map as a result of some events. They serve
no other purpose than award the Kids or Babies (depending on the attacker) a few new
'liberated' units. The improvement functions as a temple.

- The Teens have some Castles. These exist to make conquering them harder, and represent
their independent spirit.

- The Raiders units are units trained by the Adults and the Gramps to kidnap Babies and
Kids and take them as slaves. They have a high movement, strong attack, but weak defense.

- The only unique unit in the scenario is Darth Kvoram, the man who started the war by
bringing some captured Kids to the Adults. He is a stronger version of the Raider unit,
but his destruction does not cause anything special expect for a short bit of text.

- The Adults gain a small amount of money whenever they destroy a Kid or Baby unit (Well,
they dont actually kill them, more like take prisoner).

- The Baby/Kid force are Babies and Kids working together. They are like the Child version
of the Raiders, for they have alpine capability, high attack, but weak defense.

- The BTK's (Babies Turned Kids) and KTB's (Kids Turned Babies) units become available
through Age Intercourse, and represent a hybrid of the Baby Warriors and the Kid Warriors.

- The Swimmer units become available through Swimming. They are a weak coastal sea unit
that can transport one unit. They are the only sea units in the game.


- Thanks for whoever did the Middle-Earth map.

- Thanks for Harlan Thompson for doing the Allicons file.

- The Swimmers graphic was taken from the Modern Ages Modpack by Dorian Credé (
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Old April 3, 2000, 22:30   #2
Local Time: 09:35
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,282

A very innovative concept! May I indulge in a suggestion?

Make sure your theme and plot is very engaging, as you are taking out of the hands of the player several 'gameplay' options - no negotiations, no government switching, no tech' by conquest. As such, while the theme might be good, the game itself runs the risk of becoming a bit dull due to these structural considerations. Work your events file and tech' tree hard - for instance, give the player quests to pursue that open new technological paths.

It reminds me of 'The Battle of the Sexes' scenario, in that it was a fun sort of idea, but could have given so much more. Clearly you are using Fantastic Worlds' features, cutomised units and new artwork, so you're already heading in the right direction, however not knowing anything beyond what you've presented here, I can't ascertain how far.

Best of luck!
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Old April 4, 2000, 13:56   #3
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Thanks, Cam.
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