These are very good and important questions, and I don't think they have been answered. All that has been stated is that you can't continue producing a wonder after someone else builds it. That was a common trick in Civ2 (and SMAC) because you just kept producing it until you got the tech for another wonder, and then you switched to that wonder and had a huge head start.
So that trick is definitely out. But whether you can switch production from one wonder to another, or whether you can switch production from a wonder to anything at all, has not been stated I do not believe. Also, you said you can't have several cities building the same wonder at once, but I don't believe that has been officially stated either.
I would love to get clarity on these issues. Personally, I would love it if Firaxis completely disabled this cheat by not allowing you to switch from one wonder to another. If they do that, then it makes no difference if they allow multiple cities to work on the same wonder, since doing so would be stupid (there would be no way to switch city 2 to a different wonder after city 1 completed it).
Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.