go here :
Theres an excellent review (or preview if you like)
I noticed the bit about only being able to irrigate fresh water rivers until you get Electricity (when you can build desalination plants to remove salt from seawater -i presume) .. this is great, showing they're actually trying to make civ3 realistic.
I only hope we can build our own canal rivers to take river water away to other cities. There could be fresh water lakes too, this is a new recent feature isn't it?
Leaders sound like they will add to the longevity , making a boring civ game intersting when a leader pops up.
I'm glad you can now change research before completion.. if someone else discovers it your wasting your time completing research, which is worth any penalties you get changing goals.
I'm pleased rivers now slow you down when crossing.. this was one of the big problems of civ2 (i'm sure civ1 had river slowdown too?) , but i think you should still be allowed to move down them quickly (with map making tech of course).
I know theres already a forum for this , but you can talk here as well if the other ones too full :P
Peter the Kiwi Haggis god of Bunabongo - yes we export heffalumps