October 26, 2001, 02:53
Local Time: 08:11
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Turns of Clone Wars II
This is a SMAX game
4 - players, all playing as the Pirates (or a clone thereof) at transcend level, no AI
Turn order:
Black Sunrise - The Nautilus Pirates ( indra@blacksunrise.com )
M@ni@c - The Pack Armada ( steenbekeh.oe@attglobal.net )
Qantaga - The Mariners Guild ( qantaga@aol.com )
Deimos - The Valkyrie Rising ( deimos_00@usa.net )
Large Planet, 70% to 90% water, average everything else
co-op victory off
do or die off,
directed research
spoils of war on
map not visible
no random events
> Communications - none till contact, obtain commlink, or build EG
> Total freedom in Design Workshop (upgrades anytime, during turn or on-field)
> Retro-engineering is OK
> SE switches "quickies" forbidden - (obviously you can experiment to see what effect various SE choices have, but cannot change, play moves, then change back in the same turn just to gain the benefit of a temporary SE choice)
> Council notification - immediate broadcast to all players (Post in the thread and e-mail to all immediately by player who has called elections, citing candidates and votes. After each player's turn, post in the thread the running totals)
> Stockpiling in Build Queues OK at any time
> Crawlers Upgrade anytime - OK
> Probe actions: Must choose vendetta option when probing other players (OK to probe teammate at any time)
> Using the AI - Cannot use the AI to bribe on coucil votes nor to demand withdrawal of units
> Demon boil mindworm creation - forbidden (setting multiple waypoints for a faction mindworm in fungus to generate a wild demon boil to kill or capture each turn)
> Infinite-range drop troops - forbidden before building the Space Elevator (i.e. bans the use of the right hand mouse click to make multiple 8-square moves in the same turn)
> Multiple reloads of the game are forbidded (without posting a convincing explanation to the other players) - guards against the obvious cheat of trying multiple times for a different result in pod popping or combat.
Clone factions have been sent to everyone
Passwords have been sent to everyone
Good luck all
Last edited by Googlie; October 26, 2001 at 12:50.
October 26, 2001, 07:51
Local Time: 10:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Googlie, thank you very much for all your hard work getting this game set up for us.
This game promises to be big fun and I am really looking forward to it.
Good luck to my fellow Captains.
October 26, 2001, 08:13
Local Time: 10:11
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MY 2100 to Maniac
October 26, 2001, 08:18
Local Time: 15:11
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"Sir, we must evacuate"
Explosions rocked the mother ship. Panicked settlers hurried quickly to the escape pods. Red lights threw demonic shadows upon the walls.
"What of the map?"
"Sir, the transmission is garbled... I can't understand it."
"Check the seismic probe, quickly. That dropped first, perhaps it got a picture."
"Sir, I've got a picture of where the probe hit, but only for a hundred miles around target."
"Board the ship. We'll land there. At least we'll have a slight idea where we are."
As he followed his crew to the departing shuttles, Admiral Sunrise rubbed the starburst pattern on his jumpsuit thoughtfully. A large water world. Interesting. Pity about the nasty mix of gasses, we won't be able to breathe the air, but on the other hand, our ships are self-contained. We should be able to survive very well.
Damned shame the sabotage cost us so much. Fortunate that we managed to "acquire" access to several drop shuttles.
Smiling coldly, Admiral Sunrise stepped over the body of a Believer 'Crusader'. The new world will be better without them he thought for a moment. Then, buckling himself in, he turned his attention to the Planet below.
The future awaits the strong.
October 26, 2001, 11:48
Local Time: 08:11
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Restart Needed
Game being recalled for a restart
Due to a little known norselore bug (the Valkyrie factor) the game needs to be restarted.
(actually, Deimos is a huge fan of Norse mythology and has promised an uneding supply of energy credits to his fellow players if we can restart with him playing as the Valkyrie. While this could be accomplished by Deimos and Qantaga simply changing turns, D would then know where Q was, so a restart is better.
October 26, 2001, 11:59
Local Time: 10:11
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Ah, yes, the little known Valkyrie factor rears its head.
I certainly have no problem surrendering the helms of the Valkyrie to the good Captain Deimos. However, since we are restarting, if there is no objection from M@ni@c or Black Sunrise, I would like to try one of the clone factions myself, instead of taking the Nautilus Pirates. (With the Mariner's Guild as a first choice).
This is no big deal at all and I will happily take the Nautilus Pirates if that is the way Googlie sets us up, I just wanted to put in a request for a clone faction if possible.
October 26, 2001, 12:11
Local Time: 08:11
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Request accommodated, so ignore the restart I just e-mailed you
Turn order will now be:
Black Sunrise - Nautilus Pirates (who has waited patiently to play his turn)
M@ni@c - Pack Armada
Qantaga - Mariners Guild
Deimos - Valkyrie Rising
CW2 - 2101 sent to Black Sunrise
October 26, 2001, 13:05
Local Time: 10:11
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I must issue a most humble appology for causing this restart.
I had sent our most glorious CMN a request for the Valkyrie faction well before he issued the game start notice, but due to the fact that my email provider decided to hold all of my outbound mail for what appeared to be a non-trivial number of hours on thier server, the message didn't make it to him in time.
When he sent out the turn with me as the Nautilus Pirates, I was disheartened that my message didn't make it to him in time, but I was just happy to begin the game.
Thanks to all for hanging on through this restart! As to the endless supply of ec's for all, I'll be more than glad to ensure you receive all the credits you can handle from commerce income!
OT: Qantaga: Have you received the turns I resent for the other games we are involved in yet?
October 26, 2001, 14:20
Local Time: 17:11
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Location: Gent, Belgium
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 Why didn't you guys just customize your faction? Besides name and graphics, they're all practically the same anyway?
I'm going off line now. Turns sent to me now won't be played until tomorrow.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 26, 2001, 14:53
Local Time: 10:11
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Why didn't you guys just customize your faction?
Because I have no clue how to customize a faction. I love playing the game, but I know nothing about customizing factions and creating scenarios. I hope to learn about them someday soon, but I like spending my time playing.
I do realize that they are all the same clones of the Pirates, but it is fun to role play and I just figured that it would be a little more fun for me to play a faction with a cool name, if no one else objected.
OT - Deimos, I haven't been able to check my e-mail today. I work with curriculum and remediation software programs. I am in a school today and their ISP allows me to access Apolyton, but bans me from accessing my e-mail, so it will be later tonight, when I get home, before I will know if I got the other game turns.
October 26, 2001, 16:42
Local Time: 15:11
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2101 to M@ni@c
After a harrowing crash "landing", Admiral Sunrise surveyed the fleet from the deck of his craft.
Five craft. Not an auspicious beginning. It would be worse yet after scuttling at least one to found new bases.
"Thank Saint Nimitz we're the first ones down."
He looked up at the sky, gauging wind speed. Near the double sun he ... saw ... something ....
"Damn. Contrails. So much for our head start. Lets get to work."
October 27, 2001, 10:28
Local Time: 17:11
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You can customize the names of your faction in-game in the NETWORK menu I think. I think you also get there by pressing on + The graphics of course you can't change in game of course, but none of them fit a Norse style anyway.
Almost forgot: MY 2101 sent.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 27, 2001, 11:10
Local Time: 10:11
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Thanks for the tip, M@ni@c!
2101 sent to the Valkyrie.
Ah, the salt air, the warm sea breezes....we are at home at last. The last 40 years, confined in that infernal spaceship, were torment. We now sail the seas again and the path of our destiny can be resumed.
October 27, 2001, 12:59
Local Time: 10:11
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MT 2102 to Black Sunrise
October 27, 2001, 19:49
Local Time: 15:11
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2102 to Admiral Yamamoto
"Sir. Bad news."
"Christ. More. Tell me."
"Sir, while we have found prime locations for cities, with abundant resources, the resources are totally blocked by native plantlife. Our colonists cannot get any advantage from it.'
"Scuttle the pods. Use them to form the hulls of two new cities. I will direct our researchers to find out how to remove the fungus. Meanwhile, operation Terra is to begin immediately. I suspect my fellow leaders from the mis-named 'Unity' will have a particular .... blind spot. I anticipate exploiting it to buy us the time we need."
"Right away Sir! That pod we located should serve us well in that regard."
Admiral Sunrise gazed at the map, the conversation clearly over. This world has so few edges, he thought quietly. Perhaps that could be used ....
Pondering strategy, he peered thoughtfully at twinkling lights of the map. Like constellations, guiding our way in the darkness. But the darkness was the darkness of a secret headquarters, and the constellations were diamonds scattered by his own hand.
October 28, 2001, 14:46
Local Time: 17:11
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MY 2102 to Qantaga
Oh man! Everyone else has two or three bases while I have only one. I hope my base site search pays off on long term...
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 28, 2001, 17:23
Local Time: 10:11
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2102 sent to Deimos.
October 28, 2001, 20:09
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MY 2103 to Black Sunrise
October 28, 2001, 20:24
Local Time: 15:11
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Clone Wars II MY 2103 sent to Yamamoto
"Good news sir. Gunship 002 located a hydro pod. The area around base *Classified* has proliferated with kelp farms!"
"Excellent. This will provide the nutrients we need to get operation Terra off to a good start. Issue the captain of 002 a commendation."
"Also, issue a commendation to the fast response team. This move was apparently completed in only 15 minutes. With speed like that, who knows what possibilities await us!"
Last edited by Black Sunrise; October 28, 2001 at 20:33.
October 29, 2001, 15:03
Local Time: 17:11
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MY 2103 to Qantaga
Finally, our second base is established. I hope it was worth the waiting. With four bonus squares  , we might be able to catch up on the other factions.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 29, 2001, 17:57
Local Time: 10:11
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2103 sent to Deimos.
October 29, 2001, 22:55
Local Time: 15:11
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2104 to Yamamoto
"Alert! Alert! Drone troops spotted!"
"Er, Sir? The Drones were eradicated. We are the dark red forces."
"Ah. Well. In that case, consider this drill a success"
In other news, our forces have loacted another hydrology pod. This bodes very well.
October 31, 2001, 00:05
Local Time: 10:11
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MY 2105 to Black Sunrise
"Scouting. That shall be our priority. Information is our shield. Without it, our throats shall be bared to our enemies swords."
--Personal diary
Jarl Deimos, MY2105
October 31, 2001, 09:15
Local Time: 15:11
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2105 to Yamamoto
This has been a dark year for The Nautilus Pirates. A huge sea beast has surfaced, swallowed a drop pod from the Unity, and attacked one of our scout ships. We pray for their well-being, however, as of yet, they have not been heard from.
October 31, 2001, 22:14
Local Time: 10:11
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MY 2106 to Black Sunrise
November 1, 2001, 04:18
Local Time: 15:11
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2106 to Yamamoto
Great news! Our gunship survived the attack by the alien life form. They are on their way home for repairs and refit.
Meanwhile, our first scout landed on shore. We hope many valuable things may be found.
Last edited by Black Sunrise; November 1, 2001 at 13:33.
November 1, 2001, 12:26
Local Time: 17:11
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MY 2106 to Qantaga
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
November 1, 2001, 20:07
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2106 sent to Deimos.
November 1, 2001, 21:31
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MY 2107 to Black Sunrise
"By Odin's beard! We're stuck in a pocket of this...fungus! Helmsman! Full power to the engines! We'll break out of this or go to Valhalla trying!"
-- Captain Heggelund, Unity Foil 002
November 1, 2001, 21:36
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More energy! Excellent.
We anticipate an increase in population next year, as well.
Commend the Fast Response Team again. Five minutes is a new record!
Last edited by Black Sunrise; November 2, 2001 at 01:46.
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