I viewed over some of my screenshots and decicded to put up a quick chart of costs in shields for some units. I feel that I falied, though, as it's very hard to judge, and also, I got screenshots from different builds of game, and this probably has been changed over time.
I am curious whether it's known definitely for some units.
Maybe I'm just wasting my time with this

. Anwyay, this is all I've found, I think not much

Settler = 60 Shields
Worker = 20 Shields
Warrior = 10-20 Shields
Archer = 40 Shields
Spearman = 20 Shields, most probably
Temple = 60 Shields, almost definitevely
Galleon bombardment unit = 120 shields
Swordsman = 30 Shields
Legion = 30 Shields
Immprtal = 30 Shields
Modern Armor = 120 Shields
Panzer = 100 Shields