Quote from Andrew1999
To blockade a city, you have to completely block off all routes to other Harbors they want to conect with. The best way to do this will often be to occupy every water tile next to the city with a unit. Although in a large civilization it would be pretty hard to cut off every single coastal city.
I find this a little disappointing! To keep occupying a set of squares off of a city will be difficult. I would have thought that this would be a perfect case for zone of control (which isn't in Civ3), where a naval unit controls the surrounding squares.
You are going to need a massive navy to blockade every coastal city of a continental Civ.
It seems that rather than blockading a harbour, the simpler option is just to blow the hell out of it. Destroy it using specific naval bombardment. Possible with the new bombarment rules, and a lot safer. You wouldn't have to stay within range of coastal fortresses, and bombardment units on the ground.
Any thoughts?