November 27, 2001, 16:26
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2148 to Qantaga.
Flubber, your plan sounds good (just how many times have I said "I agree with Flubber" in this thread?  ) Humans cannot give cities to each other, so the only way is to bring along units, as you described. To further complicate things, you can only give us units if they are in our territory, and you cannot transport them. So it is not very practical in most cases...
November 28, 2001, 22:33
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Flubber, I hope your travels are going well. I am running into a few delays this trip, but I will be back home Friday morning.
The turn was a little interesting. The Consciousness sent a probe team next to one of my bases. Aki called up and immediately declared Vendetta, so I guess it's time to start building some defenses. I will be able to take out the probe next turn, but I guess the AI is ready to make a move.
2148 to Flubber.
November 29, 2001, 15:19
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If you see something more substantial coming I may have to hurry my change to planned so I can have some air units available to help defend you. Next turn, I will take a longer look at their builds and standing army and post an update-- The army they had-- as posted previously, was no threat. It will be interesting to see what they do different now that they have "found" you.
I'm 5000 kms (4 timezones) away from home but travels are good and I shou;d be Smaxing by Sunday evening
December 3, 2001, 03:00
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2149 to tau
Folks. . . i stole cyberethics on my turn. The Hive was listed as 4 turns from the datalinks. If you want me to build it i will need immediate cash gifts to upgrade crawlers -- 50 ec each would help. Otherwise, i will proceed with militarization with a view to taking it by force.
December 3, 2001, 09:01
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I will have to start reading the thread before playing.  No cash sent this turn, but I can do it next time, which should still give you time to finish ahead of the Hive?
2149 to Qantaga.
December 3, 2001, 09:36
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I should have given you an in-game message  -- you had mentioned before that you play before coming to the board-- my fault . . .
If the Hive does not "rush" it, next turn should be fine--Given our setup, I consider this an important wonder and intend to do everything necessary to get it. The other option is qantaga send me 100 ec --
December 3, 2001, 14:31
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2149, and 100 credits, sent to Flubber.
December 3, 2001, 15:23
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2150 to tau-- Thanks for the money qantaga-- it was a great help
I upgraded 2 crawlers and with a switch to planned after cashing them, should be in a position to complete the datalinks next turn. We might not get much benefit since the AI are not sharing tech but it will be good to deny the AI that benefit when we decide that certain higher level techs should be shared.
I did remember to upgrade the maps to you so take a look--
As well, I looked at the infiltration data-- its weird-- aki is researching cyberethics and the Hive is going for superstring both of which the uni has-- Uni is researching optical comp.
As for units, the Uni is the weirdest as they still only have 4 unit types and they are up to 30 scout rovers
-- The Hive has 4 impact squads complete and 1 impact speeder under construction to go with a mix of defensive type units
The consciousness are going naval but have not mounted anything more than a laser on a ground unit yet-- They do have both impact and laser foils however and have 2 probe teams-- we must be vigilent as they also have a couple of transport foils
Still no threats to speak of . . . unless the Spartans are heavily armed-- Since I am going planned next turn anyway, I will start a couple of choppers to send as assistence in your territories-- those AI bases could mean an attack soon.
Despite the sidetrip to the datalinks, I see nothing that would prevent my planned Hive attack in the mid 2160s.
Oh do either of you want any of my tech ?? I did not know if one of you might want cyberethics to go knowledge or whether wealth remains the better choice for you. Let me know. (I will leave wealth when I start pumping out units, to avoid the morale hit)
December 3, 2001, 19:59
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2150 and 50 credits to Qantaga. 20 credits to Flubber, as interest.
Infiltrated the Spartans this turn. Still no large threat, though they are building up. Currently they have 1 Impact Squad, 6 Recon Rovers and a Laser Foil, but they are building 2 Impact Rovers and 4 more Impact Squads.
Tech: Intellectual Integrity, Doctrine: Loyalty, Doctrine: Mobility and Nonlinear Mathematics. Nothing too interesting, but I have little else to do with my probe team than steal it anyway. Flubber, if you have any of these, could you send them to me next turn?
Or would it be better to keep research cost down and stay in a truce with the Spartans (they are seething but we have never talked), rather than provoking a vendetta when they are so close?
December 3, 2001, 20:16
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Either way is good but if they are not yet at vendetta with you, why provoke them yet-?- I think I have some of those techs and will give them if you wish but looking at the list, there is nothing that you NEED that much-- as you say nothing interesting there--
I'm just envious of your research rate and believe that keeping research rates for you two good is the key, so you can beat the AI to fusion. Get to fusion first and the AI is toast. My research rate will soon tank as I build a military --
ON the flip side, take a look at all the techs I have and let me know if there are any that could be useful to you. I am hoping to steal poly software so you can switch. Sorry qantaga-- no one has the one you are researching.
As I say either approach seems fine and I will offer any of those listed techs I have as gifts and leave the decision to you.
Qantaga, any thoughts??
December 4, 2001, 09:49
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2151 to Tau
I finished the PDL and the Hive has abandoned it in one base.
I sent tau two of the 4 techs that the Spartans have so its his decision as to what is best
I'm in Demo planned wealth now for SP and military building so my tech rate will be really slow
December 4, 2001, 16:23
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2151 to Qantaga.
Decided to give peace a chance (for now  ). Forgot to mention last turn that the Spartans are working on Planetary Networks.
December 4, 2001, 17:52
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December 5, 2001, 12:01
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2152 to tau
December 5, 2001, 16:07
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2152 to Qantaga.
The probe has already been sent exploring. Santa called me this turn and told me
1) she was pleased that I had refrained from interfering in her affairs,
2) my pursuit of wealth was shocking,
3) she would not long tolerate collaboration with her mortal enemy, Foreman Flubber.
But no vendetta yet. I have asked you for HEC, so I can be somewhat more prepared for the inevitable.
December 5, 2001, 23:24
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2153 to tau
I sent HEC as requested
I am too busy/tired to post a full update but suffice it to say that the Hive is 10 turns from the HGP and is building an impressive military now-- 24 1-3-1 sentinels for example and he is buildin a chaos rover and squad. The consciousness is working on some impact units and is building a wide variety while the Uni seems stuck on scout rovers-- they have 32 and are building 5 more
December 6, 2001, 20:08
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The NEW promised infiltration data :
Uni military (bracketed number are in construction)
2 (1)CPs
3 formers
13 scouts
32(5) scout rovers
They continue with ODD BUILDS
The Uni currently has 13 bases of which 1 is size 6, 1 size 5s, 3 size 4s, 4-size3s,2-2s and 2 size 1s. They have 0 unused AAs and 520 energy in reserve.
WRT tech they are currently researching superconducter and have 23 other existing techs
-- all level ones (8)
-- all level twos BUT field modulation (9)
-- ind auto, intell. int , adaptive doc and optical computers at level 3 (4)
-- cyberethics at level 4 (1)
--superstring at level 5 (1)
Conscious military(bracketed number are in construction)
0 (1)CPs
5 (1)formers
0 scouts
1(1)transport foil
2(1) probe teams
1 unity rover
1 unity foil
1 recon rover 2-1-2
0 (1) sea CP
2 (1) sea formers
1 laser ship 2-2-4
4 synth 1-2-1
1 3pulse coastal 2-3p-4
10 3pulse garr. 1-3p-1
0 (1) impact arty (4)-1-2
0 (1) impact inf 4-3p-1
0 (1)impaxt foil 4-3p-4
Starting to become more impressive but nothing to worry us yet.
The Consciousness currently has 10bases of which 2 size 5s, 2-size4s, 2-3s, 2-2s and 2 size 1s. they have 0 unused AAs and 357 energy in reserve.
WRT tech they are currently researching cyberethics (which the uni has) and have 14 other existing techs
-- all level ones (8)
-- eth calc., Doc: Loy, Doc: flex, Plan net, Poly. soft, NM at level 2 (6)
-- intell int and adapt. doc. at level 3 (1)
HIVE military(bracketed number are in construction)
5 CPs
12 (1)formers
5 scouts
1 transport foil
0 probe teams
1 Ogre 6-3r-1
4 impact rover 4-2-2
2 (7) impact 4-3p-1
1 impact inf 4-3-1
24 (2)plasma garr. 1-3-1
1 Impact ship 4-3-4
0 (1) chaos squad 8-3-1
0 (1) sea CP
0(1) chaos rover 8-2-2
I don't see any AAA to hold up to high morale choppers when they start even if they only have missile weapons and I should have them to chaos by the time I get going.
The HIVE currently has 16 bases of which 2 size 5s, 5-size4s, 3-3s, 4-2s and 2 size 1s. they have 0 unused AAs and 412 energy in reserve.
WRT tech they are currently researching eco eng and have 18 other existing techs
-- 7 level ones (7)
-- 7 level twos (7))
-- GS and adapt. doc. at level 3 (2)
-- cyberethics at level 4 (1)
-- superstring at level 5 (1)
I see not much to worry us militarily. The lack of airpower will be telling when war comes. Also the fact that the Hive has 0 probes means I can bring a minimal defensive probe force since I should be able to track any they are building and hunt them down.
I must admit it is interesting to see how the AI builds in this type of scenario. The miltary builds of the uni baffle me since I don't credit the AI with enough intelligence to build an upgradeable shell unit
December 6, 2001, 21:12
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2153 to Qantaga. Sorry about the delay.
10 turns to the HGP eh? I will see what I can do to speed up construction.
Thanks for the info, Flubber. When I find the time, I will post a similar update for the Spartans.
The AI sometimes goes into fanatic mode with its unit builds. In another MP game I am in, the PKs are building absolutely nothing but 4-1-1 Impact Squads. By now most of their cities have no production left because of the support costs, but they still try to build more. Everywhere.
December 8, 2001, 14:40
Local Time: 10:22
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Hello my friends,
I am sorry for the delay. Thursday was a long work and travel day that found me home at 2 a.m. Yesterday, real-life commitments kept me offline. My turns should be back to normal now. Thanks for your patience.
Flubber, thanks for all the great infiltration info. I am a little concerned about those Cyborg impact units in production. Aki brought a Scout Patrol to my territory this turn. It was easy to dispatch, but I would be in trouble if she sends those Impact units calling. I do have some probes ready to subvert any units she sends, but I will probably start building some better defenses soon.
At the end of the turn, Aki's 3-pulse coastal came along shore and bombed out a road, so it looks like she is going to start taking out improvements.
Flubber, I know you are very busy, but if you do have a Chopper that can come help with Aki's ships (a second one appeared at the end of the turn, but it was after I choose "Turn Complete", so I don't know what type of ship it is), I would be grateful.
I sent Bio-Engineering to both of you. I wasn't sure if Tau would want it yet, but I sent it just in case. Tau, when you get a chance, please send Ind.Base. Thanks.
2153 to Flubber.
December 8, 2001, 17:22
Local Time: 09:22
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2154 to tau
hey guys
I sent ind base to you qantaga-- I take it you plan to build the ME.
A chopper will land at Un equality village next turn for use in killing those annoying cyborg ships. I will need coordinates as to where the threats are ( too bad maps can't show everything a pactmate sees)
A second chopper will be finished in two turns-- it was intended to patrol tau's lands but I am thinking it should spend a little time in PK lands first, getting rid of some cyborgs.
I plan to finish the Cyborg factory next turn and start building some rovers in my command center base. The AC and more choppers will follow shortly.
I will update the AI wonder building on my next turn
December 8, 2001, 22:12
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2154 to Qantaga.
Infiltrated the Consciousness with my foil probe.  It died.
December 9, 2001, 01:08
Local Time: 10:22
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2154 sent to Flubber.
Well, the game is making me pay for our earlier, easy tech climb.
In the past two turns, I have been offered IndBase, D:Mobility, ProgPsych and NonLin Math. It is going back and making me fill in the early paths. Flubber, if you can send NonLin Math this time, hopefully, something useful will open up next turn.
Also, I am looking forward to your chopper. These Cyborg ships are causing lots of trouble taking out my forests. Thanks.
December 9, 2001, 03:40
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2155 to tau
Nonlin sent to qantaga. I also killed one ship at 75,63 before retreating into the base with my last movement point to recuperate. Also on the turn I stole superstring and will complete both the cyborg factory and my prototype superstring chopper. Within 3 turns (recuperation for the A-6 , movement for the A-8) this 2 chopper force should be sufficient to keep the cyborgs off your back
Tau if you want the HGP, the Hive has 2 bases working on it. One has 73 mins of 140 and the other 54. The listed build times are 7 and 8 turns respectively so if you want it build fast.
December 9, 2001, 11:18
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2155 to Qantaga.
I should be able to build the HGP in 2 if nothing goes wrong.
December 9, 2001, 19:33
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2155 to Flubber.
Many thanks to your noble Chopper crew, Flubber. The Consciousness brought another ship into view at the end of the turn. They also brought a Scout Speeder onshore at the end of the turn, so there must be a Transport Foil north of UN Equality Village. I had a probe that was damaged by the artillery last turn, so I moved it to a monolith to repair it. That Scout Speeder popped onshore and went unerringly straight to the Probe and destroyed it.  I sure wish I had the AI's radar system.
I do appreciate all your efforts to fight off the Cyborgs for me.
Tau, good luck with the HGP. Let me know if you need any cash to help out.
I did finish the Virtual World last turn.
December 9, 2001, 20:14
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2156 to tau ceti
I killed the cyborg scout rover and the transport before retreating my now heavily damaged A-6 chopper. An A-8 is enroute and will arrive at Un Equality Village on the next turn. The CBA should be done in about 3 turns and then i go a clobberin'
December 10, 2001, 15:18
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Thats quick building tau--
and Q keep the info coming on the location of any cyborg threats. If I keep a few choppers around you should be able to stay in FM for as long as you want. I am also sending my interceptor to do some longer range scouting of the cyborg lands.
After any cyborg invaders are taken care of, I might muck up the cyborg bases a little. If I am successful they will likely go back to building garrisons.
Is the plan for you both to continue building infrastructure for a while? Do either of you have any ideas as to other things we should be doing?
I lost a sea probe to an IOD and am about to lose another. I feel that it might be better to send a few land probes with my invasion to complete the probe rape of the Hive.
December 10, 2001, 15:43
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2156 to Qantaga. HGP should be ready next turn.
Q, I do not think probes can be repaired at monoliths at all... did you get the option to investigate?
December 10, 2001, 19:36
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2156 to Flubber.
Tau, the monolith did repair my probe. We have the "always investigate monoliths" option turned off (for which I am grateful). Even so, it did not give me the "Investigate Monolith" options, it just automatically repaired the probe team (which had been damaged by the Cyborgs' ship) and placed "the arcane technology of the monolith has repaired our unit" message across the bottom of the game screen.
I was unaware that monoliths were not supposed to repair probes (ignorance is bliss  ), so I just assumed it was normal for the monolith to repair the probe. I wonder if this is something Googlie cooked up. I will be happy to send you that turn if you wish to investigate a little further.
Flubber, thanks for your vigilance in keeping my lands safe. I would like to keep FM going and build a little while longer. It seems to me like we have a very solid game strategy in place, with you acting as the "Hammer of Democracy".
At the end of the turn, the Cyborgs moved both of their ships to the north and out of my sight range. I do have a renegade mindworm roaming the eastern end of my island (east of UN Planetary trust). There is no rush, but it would be nice if you could scout that thing out for me sometime in the future since I would eventually like to send a Colony Pod that way. Thanks.
Tau, congrats on the HGP.
December 10, 2001, 21:53
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2157 to tau
A lousy turn . . . my chopper killed one cyborg ship but lost to the second despite almost 3 to 1 odds
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