June 18, 2002, 13:36
Local Time: 08:23
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An interesting spin on a treacherous attack. Unfortunately, history sees through shallow power grabs, and while it
is true that the UoP saw a threat in the cyborg land grab in the former territories of the Spartan empire, the utter
foolishness exhibited by the Peacekeepers in imagining that their erstwhile northern Ally was helping them attack
the University, they wouldn't consider the remarkably undefended cities on the northern border. Now that the
peacekeeping forces have betrayed any sort of trust, the University finds it difficult to imagine that the
Peacekeepers will survive long, sandwiched as they are between two powerful forces. It is unfortunate that the
quite blatant manipulations by the Cyborg faction are going to result in the hazard of a Cyborg victory.
If the Cyborgs did not want a war, then why are they suing for peace behind closed doors? The sneak attack
leads the University to suspec that they have other intentions, and furthermore can't be trusted any longer. This
delegate suspects that the Peacekeepers have been led into a trap, and are likely to be in deep trouble.
Cyborg command has reviewed your communique posted above and find several items amiss and untrue. You refer to "blatant manipulations by the Cyborg faction", we would like to know what manilulations. The only item which the Cyborgs sought was to have a peace conference with all in attendence. We note for the official record that the UoP not once replied or answered to the repeated calls for such a conference.
In regards to the false comment, If the Cyborgs did not want a war, then why are they suing for peace behind closed doors?, we stand united with the Peacekeeper in trying to restore order to the Planet. Cyborg Command has intelligence that while our troops were sailing to quell the Morgans, it was UoP plans to destroy our flotilla of troop ships instead of the joint operation you originally proposed. Unfortunately for the UoP, we found this plot out prior to our sailing. Perhaps, it might have been another "friendly fire" incident?
June 18, 2002, 20:33
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Move 2248 to Arborman
June 18, 2002, 23:32
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Posts: 501
Most, if not all of the UoP navy was sunk this year from the air. Juding from the powergraph, the UoP has lost most of it's offensive power.
Counter attacks remain a possibility, but are unlikly to change the course of the war, for example, the futile naval attack was sucicadel with the Combinded Nortern Alliences Air Power.
June 19, 2002, 21:15
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Next move to Arborman. Guys, the darn "Terranx.Icd" bug hit again after I loaded the game. Didn't even get a chance to move!
June 20, 2002, 05:39
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Hi guys.
Sorry for bumping in your game like this, but like KK I´m following the events of this game with big interest. If it´s not to much trouble I would very much appricate if you could send me a turn and a password.
Thanks in advance.
A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!
June 20, 2002, 08:12
Local Time: 15:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 501
I sent my last turn to Phobos. Hope you enjoy it!
Being head of the UN has it's uses, you can observe how battard the UoP is now
June 22, 2002, 00:30
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
News was released to today from UN Peace enformcent HQ that it now belived that the entire UoP airForce has been eliminated. Complete Air Surpremacy has been achived and it hoped that the No-Fly-Zone will be honered by the Universtry.
AirStrikes continued on the UoP mainland today as rebel UoP forces in the Ex-Sparta Territory's retreated to the deep fungas in the face of renewed PeaceKeeper strength.
Terriorests from the FungusBoy's last remianing city yesterday stole high tech weapons files. This WILL be rembembered once the current hostilities cease.
It is hoped that the current peace enforecment conflict with the UoP will be finished soon.
June 22, 2002, 10:49
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2130 on to Arborman!
June 23, 2002, 00:59
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Great Rejoicing as the bells rang in all UN cities across Planet as Operation Overlording II succedded. A UoP city suspected...and PROVED to contain biological information that should be shared throughout the entire Human race, but instead hidden and covereted by low minded scinentists who kept it for themselves.
The Human Genome Project is something all of Planet deserves. The UN will be happy to administer it.
In War news, UoP renegade air units attacked defenless and harmless civilian trucks near the UN Planning Authoity. This is further proof of the UoP's madmen in charge, as the Air units should have been fighting to defend Sparta Command from the oncoming, and unstoppable Cyborg War Machine.
In other news..
< Message Sent in the clear, Planet Wide. >
To accomplish thr UN's, and Planet's goals requires the following-
Remove all military units from the following cities
Marine Biology Lab
Marine Insituite
Oscianan Labs
All Ex-Sparta Cities (to Cyborg Command)
Cease manufacture of all Air Units.
Renounce Pact with Morgon Industries.
Renounce Pact with FungasBoy.
Renounce Pact with the Madwomenwhowhoships.
Turn these cities over to the UN and Cyborg Command, INTACT AND WITH NO FACILITIES DESTROYED.
However, I am in discussion with Cyborg Command on what they wish to see Planet grow to in he future. I hope they will also wish peace, but may be more wary, and have demands of their own.
If these conditions are not met, The United Nations Peacenforcement branch will be forced to occupy more UoP cities, and continue to destroy weapon manufauter units (Crawlers) until the UoP comes to an acceptable setllement.
I await both sides negations on this matter.
June 23, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Move 2251 on to Arborman!
June 24, 2002, 01:56
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Posts: 501
The following message was received today by the United Nations Security Council.
"The notion of peace implies a cessation of hostilities and forgoing further acquisitions. The University cannot and will not abandon any further cities. I suspect you underestimate our ability to defend ourselves. We had hoped you were satisfied to reduce our offensive capability, which you have. We are bowed but not beaten.
Renouncing our friendships with the only 2 factions who have displayed any remote form of loyalty or trustowrthiness would no doubt please the newly aggressive and acquisitive factions. We had hoped for a peace treaty so we could all return to the more pressing and important goals of building our colonies, but if that is not to be the case then so be it."
It can be said that the UoP overesterimates it's militry strengh by an order of mangnitude. All UoP militry units WILL be abanding cities, wether they like it or not, on thier own feet or via the Rcycletanks.
Very Well. We'll just have to keep this wastful war until the UoP wishes to come back to the negotiaing table. There's only 1 loser in this, and it's not the UN or it's allies.
June 25, 2002, 00:18
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Posts: 501
The war effot continues....wait..breaking news...
Universtry base has fallen!!! Rejoicng drones ran to meet and hug advancing Peacekeeper rover teams as the UoP abanded it's secret weapon laboroties of the command nexus, and left in too much of a hurry to self-destruct the Plantary Energy Grid. Air Strikes on UoP weapons convoys allowed the advancing and surpiour United Nations weapons inscpetor teams to take full control of the surroending area. All other UoP combat units are fleeing as fast as they can move deeper into the forests, but are unable to escape the free-planet's justice.
It's is antipiocated that the UoP will come to the negotianing table soon, as the UoP ecomany entered immidate depression (-21 credits energy a year!) and drone rioting is on a dramtic increase.
The UoP should be aware, the longer they stay away from the table, the lower the seat it will have at it.
June 27, 2002, 22:37
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Had to go out of town on Tuesday. Be able to move plays tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
June 29, 2002, 15:17
Local Time: 08:23
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Move 2252 on to Arborman
July 2, 2002, 11:57
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Another year another city. No defenders worth speaking about. 90% of the UoP militry has been destroyed. There is so many destroyed crawlers that it is hard to see what's left from the wreckage.
The United Nations URGES the UoP to surrender Sparta Command to Cyborg Command, and have this war over! Peacekeeper units are ready to continue to advance over the defenceless people of the UoP, but has NO WISH TO. Cease this destrucive conflict, for the good of your research, for youre people, and for Planet!
July 2, 2002, 21:55
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi all:
Move 2253 on to Arborman!
July 5, 2002, 11:43
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Posts: 501
P E A C E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today UN HQ released news that the UoP had agreed to the negotiains. All combat activates have ceased and soliders, Airmen and Sailors are returing to barraks. Sparta Command will be givin up to the Connicness.
It is with great happiness that Planet can now be lead into a new era of Peace And Prospertiy for All.
July 5, 2002, 21:51
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2254 on to Arborman
Meanwhile . . .
"General!, exclaimed a lowly private in the communication center. "We have received and confirmed a UN Headquarters urgent message that there has been a breakthrough in the ongoing negotiations with the UoP." "The message indicates the UoP has agreed to cease all hostile actions with Sparta Command to be relinquished as part of the overall peace agreement."
"Private, tell all Cyborg military units to immediately cease all hostilities and only fire if fired upon." shouted the Cyborg commanding general in the field command tent. "Sent a message via scrambled code to Cyborg Command that our ground units have paused before Sparta Command awaiting agreement enactment of providing city to Cyborg military units."
July 6, 2002, 00:16
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Posts: 501
Radman, you send the turn to me, not to Aborman  . Please resend it to him.
Message to UoP - Demobilze all units near Sparta Command. As you have heard, the Big C has agreed to the cease fire, pending conclusion of the peace treaty.
July 6, 2002, 08:51
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi Comstr and Arborman:
Please note the move was sent to Arborman with a copy to you. Thus, Arborman should have the move. If you don't please let me know. THanks.
July 6, 2002, 10:43
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Peace at last, after dozens of years of conflict, first with Sparta, then the UoP.
It has ended with Sparta a Vassel state, and the UoP brought down to a more down to earth level.
Speaking of which, SPACEFLIGHT! The United Nations is pleased to announce the return to Space of Mankind. It also declares the UN will not create any PlanetBuster Weapons of Mass Desteruction, as long as no other nation on Planet does so. The Technology exsists. Don't make the UN use it. UN weapon inspectors can and will moniter to insure this.
Now excsuse me, I have a bizzlaiopn drones to get back to work.
July 6, 2002, 15:34
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2255 on to Arborman
"Sir, recon forces have peacefully tried to enter Sparta Command but were rebuffed at Checkpoint Charlie at the outskirts of the city stating they were not ready yet to hand it over to the Cyborgs.
The Cyborg Field Commander, looking through field glasses at the perimeter of the city, gave the command he had hope he would not have to give, "Send coded message to our UN allies and to Cyborg Command that UoP forces still occupy and refuse to hand over city per peace accords. Cyborg units ordered to occupy city and then stand down but remain on alert!
Nearly simulataneously, back in Alpha Prime within the nation's administrative building, "The Complex", the Cyborg council unanimously passed a resolution supporting the UN proposal not to build Planet Buster so long as other nations to not.
July 7, 2002, 00:51
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Posts: 501
To aid reconstrctuion effots for ALL nations, the UN has grasicly agree to salvae the Unity Energy Core and distribute it to all.
July 7, 2002, 12:57
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Move 2255 to Arborman.
The homefront had changed since the ceasation of all hostilities including concluding a treaty to start a new peaceful relationship with the UoP and the remaining factions of Planet. New businesses began searching ways to make a market for themselves in the new frontier on Planet.
July 8, 2002, 01:36
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Posts: 501
Peace at Last.
July 8, 2002, 23:53
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Move 2257 to Arborman
July 10, 2002, 22:12
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Move 2258 to Arborman
July 12, 2002, 22:15
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Move 2259 on to Arborman
July 13, 2002, 18:36
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Posts: 501
Turn had to be redone, the game crashed at saving point. No pods or battles happened.
July 13, 2002, 21:11
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Move 2260 on to Arborman
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