May 27, 2002, 20:46
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2231 on to Arborman. Sorry for the 2 reloads in the game. The first gave me a "Terranx.Icd" error notice. After reloading and retrying I got a "Axstart" error. Really crappy deal altogether!!! Anyway, sorry for the reloads.
Meanwhile . . .
The Cyborg rover force entered Hallowed Ground after clearing the city of the remnants of all Spartan resistance. Spartan forces quickly counterattacked with elite missile rovers destoying the bulk of the expeditionary force the Cyborgs had sent to the northern front. The Commander Smith knew he had overextended his forces without proper air support and paid the ultimate price. He knew this would not happen again to the Cyborg force as his miscalculation left the newly captured city open to a counter attack!
May 28, 2002, 01:45
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
A small Sparta counter attack was obliterated from the face of Planet from the Sky.
It is only a matter of time now. Sparta is doomed.
And now....A Post war conferance? What's Morgon been up to, he has refused to answer ANY commincaes for over 50 years now.
May 28, 2002, 21:45
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi all:
Move 2232 on to Arborman!
May 29, 2002, 20:57
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2233 sent to Arborman!
Meanwhile . . .
Naval Captain Jones suddenly felt the ship beneath him rock and lurch forward. His immediate thought was 'what the hell is going on'. Just then "Captain, lookouts indicates University ship firing on our trawler!" "What? Are you sure?" responded the Captain angrily. [i]"Yes sir, absolutely. Its been confirmed!"
The Captain responded quickly "Send SOS and abandon ship. Contact rescue and give coordinates. Inform State Department we've been attacked by University forces!"
Later the same day, the Cyborg Secretary of State dictated a letter to the University Diplomatic Corp in care of the Provost.
"Provost Arborman:
We have reports from a Cyborg captain that their trawler in international waters sailing to Morgan Industrial was purposely attacked and sunk by University naval forces. Intelligence confirms the trawler was no where near any University cities or other forces. Please explain this action in the interest of peace between Pact brothers?
May 30, 2002, 23:31
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The Cyborg Secretary of State read the diplomatic communique just delivered from the UoP diplomatic station located in Alpha Prime. Although his instincts had lead his brain to another conclusion, he dictated a response indicating that after consultation with leader Cyborg Radman, they would accept the apology on the 'friendly fire' incident.
May 31, 2002, 04:46
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Elsewhere, horrendes Peacekeeper causualties have been taken, allowing the CyberDomain to walk into two Spartan cities (That's FOUR ex-peacekeeper cities they now hold!).
Reduction of the remaining Sparta cities is expected to be quick and unmericful.
I wounded who's spy ship that was off my coast, though I do not understand what it was doing in the Trader's Straights so far south of Morgon.
Elsewhere that little ecofreak broke the pact that saved her life AND demanded high technology, WITHOUT payment. Grataitude...none! Bah. She'll regret that. Someday....
June 1, 2002, 10:20
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi all:
Move 2235 sent on to Arborman! Sorry for the re-load! The darn thing gave me a "Terranx.Icd" error once the game came up. Didn't even have a chance to move!
Meanwhile . . . .
The Secretary of State under order from Cyborg Radman, drafted a letter stating the Cyborg nation agreed with the suggestion put forth by Brother Comstr of the PK to have a conference between the allied leaders in war against the Spartans. Cyborg Radman hoped that the PK and UoP would agree with such a conference.
Cyborg Radman remembered ancient earth history associated with the Potsdam agreement after some conflict earth called 'WWII'. He wanted to avoid a chism that developed after the end of the conflict so the allies could each peacefully and beneficially help each other.
June 1, 2002, 12:33
Local Time: 10:23
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Turn to Comstar.
Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
The worst a coat upon a coat hanger
June 2, 2002, 00:15
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Sparta WILL fall, probably within 10 years, possibly 15...there's a lack of roads out there in the wilderness.
June 2, 2002, 01:25
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi all:
Move 2236 on to Arborman!
Meanwhile . . .
"Make sure those diplomatic message got through to PK and UoP about the proposed allied conference proposed earlier by Brother Comstr! Cyborg Radman stated emphatically. "Yes sir, I'll check it again but earlier information indicates message sent." responded his Secretary of State.
June 2, 2002, 12:55
Local Time: 10:23
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Urgent discussions are going on in University chambers right now. Of course, Universities being the same everywhere, many critical decisions are lost in committees. We hope to have suitable responses prepared for all diplomatic entreaties within 2 years.
Turn to comstar
Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
The worst a coat upon a coat hanger
June 2, 2002, 18:05
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Posts: 501
Damm this mud! The complete faluire in Sparta to do useful things and build ROADS has slown down the advance to the last 3 Sparta Cities.
It is expected to take 10 years to complete this misson and objective to a satisfactiry outcome.
Peacekeeper command looks forward to peace and prospertity.
June 2, 2002, 20:56
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi all:
Move 2237 on to Arborman!
June 3, 2002, 03:31
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Posts: 501
Due to "pleadings" by Sparta, a peace treaty with Sparta is now in effect. The last 3 cities were too far away, with few roads and logestics problems prevented a quick end to the matter. The loss of a few units also didn't help matters.
Ahhh..a Peacetime econamy awaits. Time to head home, set up the garrison duty and relex for a bit.
Hmm..wounder what Morgon is doing. Bastard hasn't responded to a so much as a HELLO for centuries. Humph.
June 3, 2002, 23:20
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2238 on to Arborman
Meanwhile . . .
The Cyborg Secretary of State sat patiently writting a communique to each of the allies diplomatic corps asking whether they would like to conference on ways to maintain the peace and beneficially move forward on Planet in prosperity.
He wondered why the allies with whom he fought side by side were suddenly silent. He was also seeking the results of the discussions at UoP. The communique once again requested that the allies meet to review world trade and commerce so all benefitted.
June 4, 2002, 23:28
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Move 2239 on to Arborman!
June 6, 2002, 21:20
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Move 2240 on to Arborman!
June 7, 2002, 00:50
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Damm it. That ***** Miriam is staging units through MY territiory to attack MY allie, but she won't so much as pick up the phone!
Looks like I'll need to teach her a lesson not to make war and keep the peace.
June 7, 2002, 20:50
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Move 2242 on to Provost Arborman!
June 8, 2002, 21:51
Local Time: 10:23
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On to comstar a few hours ago.
I will be exceedingly slow in passing turns for the next 3 weeks, I have a huge amount of work to do in real life.
Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
The worst a coat upon a coat hanger
June 9, 2002, 12:15
Local Time: 08:23
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Hi again:
Move 2243 on to Arborman! Don't worry about the moves, as we all got bill, except Bill Gates!
June 10, 2002, 17:47
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
ThT *IDIOT* morgon, after refusing my calls for 100 years NOW delcares war on me!
Very well Smuck, if it's war you want it's war he'll get!
June 10, 2002, 22:43
Local Time: 08:23
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Location: Casper, Wyoming, USA
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Hi all:
Move 2244 on to Arborman!
I had to reload as the game gave me "Terranx.Icd" error notice. I got to see results from last move prior to getting error notice. Thus, the reload due to the error!
Last edited by Radman; June 10, 2002 at 23:27.
June 13, 2002, 22:34
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Move 2245 to Arborman!
June 16, 2002, 11:42
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Move 2246 on to Arborman!
June 16, 2002, 18:13
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With a heavy heart, I hearby reject the pact with the UoP. During the SParta war it was clearly seen that the UoP was sustaning a large power inbalance over the rest of planet.
With this in mind, Peacekepper forces have occupied "limited" and small area's of the UoP, to invisdtage reports of nerve gas and planet buster technology, illegel on Planet by UN charter.
Once the United Nations is satsifed that there is no longer any chance of production or the use of these abilities, it will be glad to withdraw. However, a NO FLY ZONE and ecominc sactions will be in place over the entire UoP until this is completed.
It is hoped this will all be over and done with within 5 years.
June 16, 2002, 23:11
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Move 2247 on to Arborman!
June 17, 2002, 01:55
Local Time: 15:23
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Posts: 501
Message sent to all those listening in on this Broadcast (ie, not Radman or Aborman), if there are any out there.
In case you think the UN was unjustfied on turning on it's ally who helped it in the Sparta War, you would be incorrect.
DURING the Spartawar, while the UoP had ceased attacking the Spartan southern front, while the Combinded Northern Allience did all the hard work, the UoP conducted secret negotiains to betry it's allies and bring a great destructive war onto Planet, with only 1 winner left standing. Furhtermore, the UoP has been in a militry, econmic and political AXIS of evil with both the powerhungry Morgon and the outofhismindfromfungus fungushugger who WE saved from desruction, for the loss of many of the United Nations best units and cities.
It is obvious that the UoP did all it could to bring the Northern Allience to blows, allowing it to pick up the pieces at it's own time and choosing.
Fortunatly, saner heads have and will prevail in the struggle. The effots on behalf of Planet will be short, sharp and (realtivly) painless. It has been caculated that once the UoP has seen the error of it's warmoungering ways, and been limited to control of it's own island with a lessened militry force, the normal, peaceful and well being of Planet and it's peoples, will continue in prospeterity.
We fight to keep the PEACE!
June 17, 2002, 12:07
Local Time: 10:23
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An interesting spin on a treacherous attack. Unfortunately, history sees through shallow power grabs, and while it is true that the UoP saw a threat in the cyborg land grab in the former territories of the Spartan empire, the utter foolishness exhibited by the Peacekeepers in imagining that their erstwhile northern Ally was helping them attack the University, they wouldn't consider the remarkably undefended cities on the northern border. Now that the peacekeeping forces have betrayed any sort of trust, the University finds it difficult to imagine that the Peacekeepers will survive long, sandwiched as they are between two powerful forces. It is unfortunate that the quite blatant manipulations by the Cyborg faction are going to result in the hazard of a Cyborg victory.
If the Cyborgs did not want a war, then why are they suing for peace behind closed doors? The sneak attack leads the University to suspec that they have other intentions, and furthermore can't be trusted any longer. This delegate suspects that the Peacekeepers have been led into a trap, and are likely to be in deep trouble.
Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
The worst a coat upon a coat hanger
June 17, 2002, 23:43
Local Time: 15:23
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 501
Interesting...lies Professor. Seeing as you YOURSELF wished to formet war and destruction between the UN and the Cyborgs, I find your thinking most creative.
In War News...
Today, Armed Peacekeeper units entered a Ex-UoP city based on an island to the West of UN HQ. No defenders were in eveidence, and the people welcomed thier new protecters with open arms.
Elsewhere, the UN landings archived total success, and destroyed all the milita defending the beaches. Operation Overlording is proceding as planned. The beachead is now secure, and will be moving inland shortly.
In fauna news, a rash of sea & land spawns have appered all over Planet. It is suspected that the UoP's invistagtions of "chaos" weapons is causing this. UN weapon inspectors will be invistaging these reports, and taking action.....soon.
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