Strategic Bombing
I thought of a way to do this. Make a unit called factory, or industry and put it in industrial cities. Put in as many as you think are appropriate.
It is defense, with zero move (maybe 4 defense). In ToT it is undisbandable. In nromal, include a note not to disband them. Give them free support, or make them NON.
Whenever a factory is killed, the owner loses a signifigant amount of gold, enough to hurt a little even a fundy with 80% taxes, though an event linked to factory units.
For especially signifigant cities, have a factory like unit that re-spawns if killed in the same city.
A tougher unit of the same kind: armoured factory.
Useful for: A Battle of Britain, Europpean air war, any scenario where it can be an economic battle, with long range bombers. Evenetually, the tide will turn against one player and he will not be able to support many improvements (ie, no factories, colloseums, ect.) His production will go down and his unhappiness up.
Another idea for an economic war: Any unit lost means the owner loses a certain amount of gold, less for infantry, lots for battleship.