November 8, 2001, 07:23
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Irrigation Bug
[unconfirmed] BUG: I can't build irrigation next to sea- which is fine- but opponents can. Same freakin' sea, same continent.
Gameplay: Irrigation seems to be quite difficult to come across: I'm on a continent with a river and a lake- the river surrounded by mountains, the lake in a tundra. My people are thirsty!!!
"You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon
November 8, 2001, 07:57
Local Time: 07:27
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Posts: 679
In the editor I generated a random large map. I then selected "New" since I wanted a new empty large map. The next thing I did was remove the Polar Ice Caps & I saw these purple lines where they use to be (water became scratchy looking too)...
November 8, 2001, 13:23
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 13
Certain units don't expire from your build list, even long after they are obsolete. They include swordsman, privateer (i think) and Unique units. As a result the build list gets cluttered with unnecessary stuff.
November 8, 2001, 15:00
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i'll be updating the bug list tonight, so stay with me till then guys, but great job so far!
November 8, 2001, 16:42
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 3
Minor bug/manual discrepancy
The civilopedia states that building Railroads increases shieldproduction in the square it's built in with 50%, which isn't entirely true.
Shield production in forest square w/o rail = 2
Shield production in forest square with rail = 2
The manual, however says this:
"...Railroads also increase the
yields of both irrigation and mines."
I was kinda surprised/annoyed when i learnt that i had put railroad in 9 forest squares for no good what so ever
November 9, 2001, 11:51
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 1,267
Rite of Passage won't end
My (France's) Rite of Passage agreement with England won't end! It's been in force for over a thousand years, and I have no way that I can find to stop it.  I want to fight a war with them, but I don't want them to use my railroads. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
Certain units don't expire from your build list, even long after they are obsolete. They include swordsman, privateer (i think) and Unique units. As a result the build list gets cluttered with unnecessary stuff.
I don't think that's a bug. They're there because you don't have the resources necessary to build more modern units.
November 9, 2001, 16:24
Local Time: 10:27
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technical problems prevented me from updating the list last night, but barring the forums shutting down again i will update the list and mail it to firaxis later tonight
November 9, 2001, 18:33
Local Time: 11:27
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OCR stuff for Scanners
I've noted on another Thread that:
If you have a scanner, and you go and End the Tasks via Ctrl-Alt-Del and eliminate any program that starts with OCR (scanner utilization stuff), that the Squashed Text and Divide Errors are eliminated.
I have a UMAX Astra 2200 USB Scanner and I had the same problem. It would be interesting to note to Fraxis this fact, as I didn't see the "fix" listed on the Top Page. Apparently, they didn't think that there would be a lot of home scanners available to the "average" Civ Player.
It would be nice to know how many of the other people who have had this same problem, also have (or not fully Uninstalled) a scanner on there system.
I have A Dell Dim XPS R400 PII w/ 256M Ram; Diamond FIRE GL 1000 Pro 8Meg Vidio (OEM) running a Nokia 19" 446XS Monitor; Turtle Beach Montega PCI Sound Card (OEM); Cnet Pro 200 PCI NIC; Efficient Networks 3060 PPP ADSL NIC; Samsung DVD-Rom SD-608; Phillips CD-RW CDD4801; Maxtor 91152D8 11.5Gig Drive; WDC AC31200 1.2Gig Drive & Logitech Optical USB Wheelmouse, all running under Win98SE. All have the latest and greatest Drivers & Flash Updates. I can confirm the Problem in the City Screen with changing more than one of the Garrisoned Units State's Freeze-up and the Lighthouse/Galley Bug.
I've had a couple of other problems, but I didn't record them. As for the game as a whole, I've been getting VERY LITTLE Sleep the last two nights, playing it. I do miss some stuff from CivII and think that there is still a lot of room for improvement.
P.S. I just hope that Civ won't be like The Star Trek Movies, the Even releases are the best ones......
November 9, 2001, 18:48
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 656
text omissions in Victory conditions-Civilopedia
The in-game civilopedia states 6 different victories possible, but only 4 of them are described. Nothing about the Diplomatic one. And what about the chunky UN election window with no statistics ( not a bug, but an interface to be fixed ).
The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".
November 9, 2001, 20:02
Local Time: 10:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1
Haven't seen this listed anywhere else, so maybe its just my computer, but... whenever I change the setting for "always wait at end of turn" in the prefrences menu, the change doesn't take effect until I quit and restart the game.
November 9, 2001, 22:00
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 3
Consider the startup "refresh glitch" verified.
My system:
800 Mhz Athlon
384 Mb PC-133 SDRAM
32 Mb Nvidia GeForce 2 MX Video Card (Detonator XP driver)
latest VIA 4-in-1 driver
Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2)
Direct X 8.0
The problem: immediately after double-clicking the Civ III icon, the display splits four ways. Then the cinematics run (just fine, they look great). Then the main menu appears, and is split (again) four ways. (I see four identical pictures with some odd "warping" on the left margin of the monitor).
I tried playing with my monitor's refresh settings. I was able to exactly duplicate the effect generated by Civ III by setting my monitor refresh rate to 120 Mhz.
BTW -- my monitor is (sadly old and) rated to refresh between 47 and 63 Mhz. I can't find a new driver.
Interestingly, when I set my display to 1024X768, the initial boot up and main menu (and game) are split two ways (with the same warping).
Tech support e-mailed me and said that I should download a new driver from my monitor's manufacturer (MGC model 1458E, God help me) and try running at 1024X768 resolution.
I (politely) informed them that running at 1024X768 doesn't solve squat.
Someone tell me a patch is coming soon. . . .
November 10, 2001, 03:50
Local Time: 10:27
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i am updating the list as i am typing this but i wanted to address a few issues that aren't really bugs
posted by bigbopper
The first is that I can't find a way to break a trade deal after 20 turns, and they don't seem to end automatically. I've been trading say two luxuries for a luxury and a tech or two. The problem is without the ability for me to break the agreement after twenty turns I lose the extra luxury forever unless I go to war. The computer has the ability to break such agreements after 20 turns, don't we?
The second problem is with strategic resources. I will go to the trade screen and it will accurately show the type and amount of strategic resources I have. But in the diplomacy screen it either shows that I have fewer strategic resources, or the tab is just not there. The same goes for the computers side, often strategic resources are not even an option. Thus extra resources are nearly worthless to me and it’s nearly impossible to trade for anything I need.
to break a trade deal after 20 turns, goto the diplomacy screen and select make proposal, then on the bottom right hand of the screen click on active, a list of all diplomatic agreements that are in force will appear, simply click on them to end them
as for the second issue you must have a link to the civ you wish to trade with, either a road to their capital, or a port or airport which will link up with a port or airport in that civ with links to the capital
i send the bug list once a week to firaxis
check out this thread
November 10, 2001, 05:17
Local Time: 10:27
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ok i updated the list and sent it to firaxis
as of now there are 56 bugs on the list, some minor some fairly major, however new bug reports have slowed down some so hopefully this is the majority of the bugs in civ3, so check out the list and keep the bug reports coming
one other thing, this is a bug list and in order to maintain the integrity of the list it will only include bugs, and i have done my best NOT to include any true feature requests
that being said i do support all patch list, and if somebody wants to construct a feature request list i will try my best to help out on that
November 10, 2001, 11:57
Local Time: 10:27
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for anyone who cares
Got it.
November 10, 2001, 19:26
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Re: Illegal Operation Error
Originally posted by FLGator
I consistantly get a "Illegal Operation" error before I even get to the intro movie. I have tried just about every method suggested by Tech Support and various help forums. Same error without fail.
PIII 500 ThinkPad 600x
NeoMagic MagicMedia 256ZX
Crystal SoundFusion
192 MB RAM
Windows 98SE
I had the same problem. I had a pretty old SCSI CD-ROM drive. I replaced it with an EIDE CD-RW drive, and the problem went away. Can't explain it, but that's what happened.
November 10, 2001, 21:50
Local Time: 10:27
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Well, it looks like you didn't even look at the list I posted Korn. I see you never added the Shift-I for settler automation bug.
See Page 197, it says Shift-I tells settler to "automate this city only", try it out, I don't think it works.
November 11, 2001, 00:19
Local Time: 16:27
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Posts: 3
here is another one:
when saving your game to a full HD partition,
civ3 will not complain but save an empty file.
disk space should *definitely* be checked!!!
November 11, 2001, 00:28
Local Time: 16:27
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Posts: 3
ah, and there's more:
i got five sources of incense, four of which i'm trading away.
still, my trade advisor keeps telling me:
"we have only one source of incense. let's secure
other sources and trade them with our friends."
that's obviously nonsense...
November 11, 2001, 00:37
Local Time: 09:27
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Location: okc
Posts: 8
returning to normalcy
If you are at peace and accidentally switch "mobilization" to "war-time", you cannot switch back. The only way to return to normalcy is to declare war on someone and convince them to make peace with you--wasting 100 years or more.
Also, on my computer (athlon 1.2ghz, 1.5GB ram, scsi raid) it can take 2-5 minutes between the end of one turn and the start of the next... this sucks. Fix it please.
Some gameplay issues:
I have also experienced the combat problems mentioned by others. There is no reason why knights should be able to kill riflemen in walled cities 9 times out of 10, but lose to warriors on plains. SMAC had good combat, why doesn't civ3?
There should be more than 2 settings for zoom.
I'm sure I'll have more later...
November 11, 2001, 01:10
Local Time: 09:27
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Posts: 3,215
The typos, spelling, and grammatical errors I have found:
In the science advisor, when he talks about electricity, he says "Our scientists want to harness the power of lightening..." Should be lightning
Barbarian tribe Phoenicians is misspelled Pheonicians
On wonder screen, for wonders being constructed, it says "Being constructed by the German" and Roman, etc. Should be "by the Germans" or "by Germany"
Thats all I can remember right now...
November 11, 2001, 05:02
Local Time: 10:27
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Just a note... From my experience you CAN build Nuclear Plants if your near a lake or a river... But you CAN't build the plant if your only near salt water. You have it the other way around.
November 11, 2001, 09:39
Local Time: 09:27
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Posts: 8
more :)
1) After acquiring a tech that is a requirement for a resource, if you have that resource in your territory but no road to it and make a deal with the AI to trade for it, and then while that deal is going on you build a road to the resource, when the deal ends with the ai your resource will not be available. You have to destroy the road and rebuild it to get the benefits.
2) Pollution seems to be a function of potential manufacturing capability, not actual shields produced. Reducing the number of shields in a size 14 city all the way down to 1 shield (base square) still produced 5 pollution triangles.
November 11, 2001, 13:54
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 38
Here's one you forgot: the icon for building a railroad with a worker incorrectly gives the hotkey as "R" instead of "Shift-R", which explains why people keep posting about "R" not building a railroad. Though WHY you have to use Shift-R when R alone is the most sensible and logical hotkey is a good question.
November 11, 2001, 16:24
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 1,267
I'm probably the only one who feels this way, so feel free to ignore this suggestion, but I wish that the default option in the confirmation box, when you click to rush build an improvement or unit, were "forget it" rather than "go ahead".
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
November 11, 2001, 22:30
Local Time: 09:27
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Location: de Tejas
Posts: 158
Out of move unit doesnt switch
If anyone else has seen this, please let me know. I am running a low end machine (PII 128M Ram with Voodoo 3). Sometimes (usually after combat but not consistant) my units which have run out of movement points will not automatically switch to the next unit. I have to manually activate any unit I wish to move after this point. Also, at this point the "go to" command will no longer work. Restarting the game fixes it, so I thought it may be a hardware issue, and if I save the game I cannot reproduce on the restart. Annoying as hell, but liveable.
Anyone having seen this plz let me know!
November 12, 2001, 00:32
Local Time: 15:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 15
Quick start does not remember no. of computer civs
I decided to try a game on a huge map with 15 civs. I got a horrible start so I decided to start a new game. I selected quick start and began playing. I have now advanced far enough to locate all civs, and there are only 7. It looks like quick start does not remember the number of civs in your setup.
November 12, 2001, 12:08
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Reston, VA
Posts: 40
Running under Windows 2000, I have a crash bug - divide by zero - when an Egyptian Trireme and Battleship were moving past one of my ships that was on "sentry" duty.
The exception Integer division by zero [0xc0000094] occurred in the application at location [0x00447cfb]
Does Firaxis want copies of saved games to investigate this sort of bug? Is there an address to send them to if so?
(Clarification - after further trial and error, it doesn't appear to have anything to do with *seeing* the movement or anything obviously graphical. If I move my ship away beforehand, the bug still occurs.)
Last edited by dconner; November 12, 2001 at 15:57.
November 12, 2001, 12:28
Local Time: 16:27
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Posts: 25
What about merging our lists ?
Plenty of fine ideas on this thread, too bad most posters keep posting and not reading  A centralized list is needed if we want to be more productive. I have started building such a list a few days ago under the Fixareus project name but few people joined
So I am turning into full-manual mode now and I will pick up ideas for the list in this thread only. However my spare time is not unlimited so I will only take requests written in this standardized form :
Short description (3 to 5 lines) + [YourLoginNameOnApolyton'sBoard] at the end.
and please use the green tag !
Example :
Million dollar bug in diplomacy
Other civilizations accept to pay you a few million gold each turn
when they feel really threatened by your power. None of them has
the gold to pay you but you will still get the bonus at each turn.
I posted v0.12 today at
Thank you to anyone who wanna help,
November 12, 2001, 14:15
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 16
Aircraft carrier unloading
My friend was playing and tried to move a loaded aircraft carrier into a land square. The transport window came up, asking if we wanted to unload none, the veteran bomber unit, or all. He accidentally hit okay, with the unit selected. At that point, the game froze.
November 12, 2001, 14:27
Local Time: 15:27
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Location: Columbia, MD
Posts: 8
Just in case this makes this over to the Civ3 folks, I want to make sure that it is noted that it has been independantly confirmed by the Civ3 user community that it will not run on a system with an S3 Savage 2000 video card, and those of us out there with the system are down the $$ of the game despite meeting the requisites on the box (ok....slightly bitter...but hey, with a game as great as Civ I'm sure ALL of you had been looking forward to playing yet cant, and dont have the option of returning it, wouldnt you? hehe).
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