November 12, 2001, 14:31
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Game Unstable
I have a home built machine
Athalon 800
GForce 2 GTX - creative drivers
Soundblast Live Value
Windows SE
The machine has been very stable until I played civ3
I play the game for half an hour to an hour or so and I start getting echos on the sound effects Then I get an illegal operation error message. I close it and get another and another etc.. I terminate CIV 3 and try to shut down and it is still there. The only way out is to hard reset the PC.
This sounds like it is a varient on the sound dll bug but it is crashing one of the core windows kernal elements and taking out the whole computer.
Its not the destinination its the journey
November 12, 2001, 14:49
Local Time: 16:27
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Edit: oops, sorry. Just remembered that under despotism squares that
produce more than two food/shield/commerce produce one less...
The civilopedia states that irrigation yields one extra food on grassland,
this is not the case. Is it a bug or is there a typo in the civilopedia?
Last edited by CarnbY; November 12, 2001 at 16:29.
November 12, 2001, 15:59
Local Time: 10:27
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One other thing is that the plus/minus buttons for changing science and luxury rates are too small to easily swing my mouse over to click on. They should be changed to be inside circles as the new, larger area to click on.
November 12, 2001, 17:16
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This isn't a very important bug, but I did think it was funny. It only appears right after you select the advisor.
November 13, 2001, 00:46
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 19
I'm confirming a bug I've seen reported on here only once (I hope). First, machine stats:
Athlon 1.33
128 MB RAM
NVIDIA Geforce2 MX
Sound Blaster 128
I think that's all that really matters
Anyway, it's a loading a saved game problem. I get this message:
Datal0 operation System Error: CITY
Then, the game will reload, but all of my cities are gone. The units are still there, as well as the city influence areas, and the game will continue. I tried ending all of my units turns, to see if the game would end, since I technically had no cities, but it continued on. The first saved game that does this is in 1802, and the previous save, 1796, works fine. Nothing very important happened in this 6 years (3 turns I guess), except I destroyed a rival Civ. This could be important. Restarting the game didn't work, nor did restarting the computer.
Now that I've fooled around a bit - checking the web, mostly - the 1802 save won't even load. I get the same error, but the game never starts, I just stay on the intro screen. Remember one important thing - first rule of programming - there are no bugs; only features.
Last edited by Cyanide; November 13, 2001 at 00:51.
November 13, 2001, 02:50
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 19
I wish to update my above message about the loading error. It turns out that destroying the opposing Civ does indeed create the error. Any game saved before destroying that loan galley loads perfectly, but any game saved afterwords gets that Datal0 error, as described above. This is definitely a bug - add it to the list. Thanks.
November 13, 2001, 03:18
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Re: Diplomacy Problems
Originally posted by esarsfield
11. The ability to remove items from the queues would be nice.
I assume you are talking about the build queue? In that case, single click the item you want removed and hit 'delete' on the keyboard. There you go!
November 13, 2001, 03:59
Born Again Optimist
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Sorry it this has been posted. I hate it when the my own AI scolds me like its my mother.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
November 13, 2001, 04:02
Born Again Optimist
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Hey I am being scolded, I think:
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
November 13, 2001, 10:58
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 91
A few bugs I don't think were mentioned:
1. COLONIES, if an opposing civ builds a city next to a colony you have thereby putting it in that cities zone of control, the colony disappears, even if it is guarded by troops. Colonies should have a zone of control and should have to be taken by force for someone else to get the resources.
2. FORTS, if you build a fort and station troops in it, and later another civ builds a colony next to it, YOU are violating their borders, forts should have a zone of control.
As far as ARMIES go, I don't think they should get to attack once per unit, as all the units are attacking with each assault, but if a unit such as a tank can attack twice per turn, an army of tanks should attack twice per turn.
November 13, 2001, 16:40
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 40
Originally posted by bahoo
A few bugs I don't think were mentioned:
1. COLONIES, if an opposing civ builds a city next to a colony you have thereby putting it in that cities zone of control, the colony disappears, even if it is guarded by troops. Colonies should have a zone of control and should have to be taken by force for someone else to get the resources.
2. FORTS, if you build a fort and station troops in it, and later another civ builds a colony next to it, YOU are violating their borders, forts should have a zone of control.
Actually, I think both of these are by design. Forts aren't supposed to be "extensions" of your empire per se, but more defensive fortifications. For example, you put forts on the mountain range overlooking your city, because it would be tactically better to engage the enemy there than on the plains where the city itself it.
Colonies, I could see an argument either way, but I'm pretty sure the current arrangement is intentional (though something like "outpost" might be a better name than "colony.") A colony isn't considered as significant a commitment as a settled city. It's like you're planting the flag when you start a city, but just taking stuff if you have a colony, perhaps. While giving colonies zones of control has some appeal, I could see it being difficult to program. If the "culture" rules are followed, they'd have to have a pretty huge chance of defection - and if not, then colonies would stick out as an exception.
November 13, 2001, 17:45
Local Time: 15:27
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Two Resource Anomalies
Two things MUST be added to a patch: (1) there must be a way to "pillage" one's own roads and other improvements; and (2) if there continues to be a limit of 16 active resources possessed by a civilization (apparently due to the width of 16 icons in the Trade Advisor resources box), then there must be a way to deselect current resources to make room for vital new strategic or luxury resource acquisitions. This is the one serious problem area I've found in a week of play, and it's VERY vexing.
Was playing French vs. Germans on small map, Regent level. Conquered German area to get Coal so I could build railroads. But could not use the Coal, since I already had 16 resources. Only solution was to give the evil Germans a city that had some resources in its territory I don't need. Really ruined my sense of enjoyment.
November 13, 2001, 19:39
Local Time: 15:27
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Tech tree problems in a MOD?
Unable to do tech tree if in a MOD?
Anyone noticed that if the game is not using the default rules, you cannot choose ahead on the tech tree?
Example - You want to research Monarchy, but only have a few of the first tech's - you cannot "branch" out the tech choices if the default rules aren't in play.
Not a big thing, but a bug none the less...
Catch you on the flip side.
November 13, 2001, 19:50
Local Time: 17:27
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maybe not crucial, but anoying
when getting a new "luxury" through diplomacy, this
was not calculated in my city labour screen. when i changed one
to specialist or entertainer, then put him back in, it was all updated. since this luxuary ment 3 happy faces it ment quite a
differance to my city mood
don't know it happens always though, first time i noticed
it. will pay attention to it next time
have fun,
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 13, 2001, 22:42
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 19
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the game has crashed a couple of times on me when I've tried to access my advisors. The specific error is:
Civilization3 has caused a fault in CIVILIZATION3.EXE
If you want my computer specs., see my above messages about a reload error.
I might add that this crash has just cost me over 5 hours of work on my game, which is totally unrecoverable. That just hacks me off...
November 14, 2001, 00:16
Local Time: 10:27
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for the most part, the game runs flawlessly; i enjoy it quite a bit. (insert all that stuff about how it's better than ctp, as well as ctp2, which is what ctp should have been if they even wanted to crack the market here). (insert all that stuff about how the editor just flat out sucks, not being able to edit the civilization files to create species like the olympians or the koreans just by text).
aside: game seems to run slower on a p4/1.7ghz system +768mb ram +geforce3 nvidia card, and i'm not talking about the drivers... it's not the scrolling, i mean when i click on a city, or try to change advisors... it takes longer than what seems to be necessary. as if it's playing through molasses. i can only imagine how bad it might be on the p2/300 my brother uses.
Now: Subject:
i've noticed that several times after i exit the game civilization 3, there seems to be a residual program running in the task manager. it is almost as if two copies of civ3 are running, but that should not be the case-- while i'm playing the game only one instance of the program is visible in the task manager. i'm also quite certain that i'm exiting the game through proper channels: clicking on the menu, saying exit game, and then yes, at which point the game screen shuts down.
but then, on the task manager, civ3 is still there, like some ex that just won't go away.
it's a pain, because sometimes i forget that it'll still be there, a specter, and then try to run something else, like, say, the geiss plugin for winamp 2.x, and geiss won't run because civ3's locked up the display drivers because the program still appears to be running.
this seems to be a roundabout way of saying that for some reason, exiting civ3 doesn't really seem to shut down the program completely for me in winxp.
November 14, 2001, 06:13
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There seems to be a bug with food and pollution...
When all tiles are being worked, and pollution appears the worker on that tile becomes a specialist... but the food production dosen't change! This means the city can now grow larger than typically allowed, since if you clean the pollution and put the worker back on the tile you get the food production again (That's 2x the food of that tile). But, when any tile improvements are deystroyed/built/changed or the population actually grows, the food production is then correctly counted. The problem occurs when you city grows from this free food then loses it... instant stavration.
I'm sure some of you have noticed that some cities seem to grow to 1 pop too many then suffers starvation... well, this is the reason.
November 14, 2001, 06:59
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First of all, sorry for my english, I'm italian.
I've noticed 3 bugs (or i presume they are  :
1> Some City's population grow over 6 even if don't have acqueduct and the technology advance to build it.
2> I saw Horse and Chariot units walking over mountains w/o roads!
3> If you're playing a game with more than 8 civilization, in the foreign advisor screen only appears 8 leaders , so how do I make contact with other leaders ( already encoutered) not included in this screen???
November 14, 2001, 09:51
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 91
Originally posted by dconner
Colonies, I could see an argument either way, but I'm pretty sure the current arrangement is intentional (though something like "outpost" might be a better name than "colony.") A colony isn't considered as significant a commitment as a settled city. It's like you're planting the flag when you start a city, but just taking stuff if you have a colony, perhaps. While giving colonies zones of control has some appeal, I could see it being difficult to program. If the "culture" rules are followed, they'd have to have a pretty huge chance of defection - and if not, then colonies would stick out as an exception.
What's the point of having colonies then? If I had known they weren't permanent, at least while guarded, I'd have just used a settler their instead. Invariably, with the way the AI operates, any colony you build will at some point (probably early in the game) be inundated with opposing settlers.
November 14, 2001, 18:18
Local Time: 09:27
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You have the nuclear plant bug backward. Nuclear plants can only be built near fresh water, not salt water. The manual and civilopedia both say "fresh or salt" but only fresh water works.
November 14, 2001, 18:42
#1 is not a bug; if your city is founded near a river, then an aqueduct is not needed to grow beyond a size 6, it's also the reason why you'd never have to build one there either.
#2 The only units mentioned in the civlopedia that are not able to traverse mountains (or jungles) is the chariot and the catapult. As far as the chariot; Are you sure they weren't crossing between mountains, like on hills that were adjacent to the mountains??? I haven't been able to cross mountains with either unit.
#3 You can make contact with other leaders by right clicking on any unit that belongs to them.
November 15, 2001, 00:36
Local Time: 07:27
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"when getting a new "luxury" through diplomacy, this was not calculated in my city labour screen. when i changed one to specialist or entertainer, then put him back in, it was all updated. since this luxuary ment 3 happy faces it ment quite a differance to my city mood don't know it happens always though, first time i noticed it."
I've had the exact same problem. When I acquire a new luxury, I have to add or remove a worker for the affects of the luxury to take effect.
I've also noticed sometimes when I offer a luxury as a gift the game crashes to a illegal operation error in the executable. If I reload the game, its repeatable.
LAstly, on the cowmenu map, I found later in the game that trading world maps would do the same thing.
November 15, 2001, 00:49
Local Time: 07:27
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Specialist Effects Not Shown in City Display
If you change a worker or entertainer to a scientist or a tax collector, the specialist's contribution to research or commerce is not reflected in the city view. However, it is correctly calculated in the Domestic Advisor screen.
For example, if your city is creating 50 beakers' worth of science and you create 6 scientists, the city view will still show only 50 beakers. The Domestic Advisor screen, however, will list the correct 56 beakers for the city.
November 15, 2001, 01:09
Local Time: 07:27
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Posts: 23
polution woes
I wanted to save myself from having to go back into some of my cities after they were hit by pollution by working the square before finishing pollution removal. At the point I was doing this, my cities were maxed out on population (thank you foreign workers). Anyway, I now have a few cities where if I remove all my workers that are producing on food tiles, I end up with either 0 or negative amounts of food being produced per turn. In regular cities this is actually 2 or 3 (depending on where it is built).
November 15, 2001, 08:38
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Posts: 7
Originally posted by arktiem
Compaq Presario 5465
AMD KD-2 477 w/3-D Now
192 MB RAM
Soundblaster Live Soundcard
12 GB Hard Drive with 1.61 GB free
1). Anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours into play (really no rhyme or reason as to when this happens) the sound effects start to loop (bird chirping over and over... wolf howling over and over... etc.) OR the music track would loop the same drum beat. Then horrible static sounds take the place of any game sound and I might or might not have time to save the game before getting a GPF in SOUND.DLL. I have noticed this error in a couple of other posts and each time it has been associated with a Soundblaster Card, so I wonder if it is a driver problem with that card.
I also have an AMD K6-2, though only at 350 MHZ, an old Soundblaster 16 Vibra PNP and experience the same sound problems, i.e looping sound. But I get a virtual memory error instead of a GPF in SOUND.DLL. I hope this problem is rather linked to the Soundblaster and not the AMD processor.
November 15, 2001, 08:46
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 7
Worker pollution automatic clean up bug
I experienced a small, though very annoying bug while trying to automate my workers to clean up pollution. The command can only be given with the worker standing on a polluted square and the worker leaves automated mode (this may be intended, though) once there is no polluted square left. This means you have to reautomate the workers every two or three turns as pollution pops out unregularly. On slow computers, this slows down your turn in the modern era considerably, so fixing this would increase playability since cleaning up pollution isn't much fun.
November 15, 2001, 09:34
Local Time: 10:27
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Posts: 648
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but give us the ability to move workers in groups. There is nothing more tedious than moving each indvidual worker. I do not like to use Autoworker, I have my own agenda's when it comes to terraforming.
The ability to move large groups of military units from point A to point B would be nice too.
November 15, 2001, 13:16
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I'm used to every new game that comes out needing bug fixes, but the amount I'm seeing reported on CivIII seems staggering to me. Now, some of the ones I've personally encoutered already:
(I'm an experienced Civ player, using a Pentium III and play on the Diety level)
1.(and the most crippling) The waste and corruption ratios are remaining unchanged regardless of government used. The ratios with Despotism are the same as in Monarchy, Republic and even Democracy.
2. Flood plains listed as 2 food instead of 3 in one game I played.
3. Wouldn't allow hydro plant to be built after the advance was achieved even in cities built directly along rivers.
November 15, 2001, 18:51
Originally posted by scottbe
I'm used to every new game that comes out needing bug fixes, but the amount I'm seeing reported on CivIII seems staggering to me. Now, some of the ones I've personally encoutered already:
(I'm an experienced Civ player, using a Pentium III and play on the Diety level)
1.(and the most crippling) The waste and corruption ratios are remaining unchanged regardless of government used. The ratios with Despotism are the same as in Monarchy, Republic and even Democracy.
2. Flood plains listed as 2 food instead of 3 in one game I played.
3. Wouldn't allow hydro plant to be built after the advance was achieved even in cities built directly along rivers.
I don't have a problem building hydro plants, and I don't think others have that problem either. There must be something you are overlooking.
November 15, 2001, 19:53
Local Time: 16:27
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Location: Germany, University of Tuebingen
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@Max Webster :
sorry but :RTFM ! This should be a bug list. With TESTED Bugs, iff you would read the forum, you would have found an answer.
Take a look at the hotkeys. It IS possible to move the guys in groups. Shift-Right-Click on the stack.
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