December 12, 2001, 15:28
Local Time: 15:27
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Well, the original topic says first impressions, so here's mine....
I have been playing on difficulty '3' (Regeant?) for a couple of games. The first few times were abreviated attempts due to my lack of understanding some of the new rules
However, I am in about 1800 on a 'Large' map, med continents, with 6 opponents + myself. The Germans died an early death between the French and myself (American). The French and me have a dangerously mingled border, but no chances of cities for cities so far!
Those Agressive Aztecs attacked, and the French and I teamed up to wipe them off the planet next. French/American alliance is now pretty solid - we are trading, have mutal access, and they are gracious.
Well, now getting to mid game and all sides seem to be competing culturally for the moment. The continent I am on is occupied by the Russians and Iroqois to go along with the French and Americans. The damn Persians have an Continent to themselves and will not trade maps......hmmm...they are leading at this point by a slim margin.
Eventually, the peace breaks down as I am forced to taunt the russians into war, with the short sighted goal of acquiring that coal just across the border from one of my cites. I have no saltpeter, but have advance to riflemen for defense. The russian Cossack onslaught is fierce, and the Iroqois had a mutual defense pact! My artillery mauls the Russian army and I entice the French to enter the fray for a tech and some goodies. The French do the mop up duties while I get most of the cities, although they get a few.
As public unrest grows in my fledgling democracy, I am forced to make peace, which is harder than you think when the civs have a mutual protection agreement. Gotta make peace with them both on the same turn, or the re-declare war on you and won't talk for several turns!
Entering the modern age, I have passed the Persians in score, but they are slightly ahead in tech. I need to acquire aluminum to build a space ship....and again, what is just across my border....looks like gearing up for war, but I have to install the patch first, 'cause of the damn bombers.....
Love the game, AI seems so much more 'real'. Am growing to like the combat, takes some getting used to. Frustrated by losing cities to 'culture' after the war ended, but will deal with it as well......
December 14, 2001, 15:30
Local Time: 10:27
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I'm glad I waited a week into playing before I posted here.
After hearing how so many people were experiencing difficulties at chieftain level, I decided to "work my way up" beating each level before moving on to the next difficulty setting.
Chieftain is VERY easy. My only guess is that the strugglers were those who played strictly using the ICS strategy (which I abhor). I didn't bother to finishe that game, but by the AD's I was so clearly in the lead that I would have had to self-destruct to lose. I absolutely creamed the Indians (didn't even get to see the war elephants  ) Played as Japanese (set to random - that's what I got.) Samurai are very cool and I like the timing of the Japanese golden age.
My next game I played as Persians on Warlord. Played on small map against 6 civs (I think.) This too was a laugher. Once I got those Immortals I was mopping up anyone I wanted. I was starting to think all this talk about the improved AI was hype. Again, didn't finish but was clearly in the lead when I quit. (Records that as a low-scoring win in the high scores - okay.)
I moved up to Regent, not wanting to waste any more time on these "EASY" levels. Played as Nova Scotians (radically customized Iroquios: industrious, religious; civ-specific unit: Schooner 2/1/4 (replaces caravel) -got rid of Iroquis unit.
Anyway, with no great early unit, I was still confident I would win with confidence at Regent level. BOY WAS I WRONG. The loss was so humiliating that I have repressed most of the experience already. What I do remember was making the mistake of picking on the Zulus unprovoked. EVERYONE attacked me at once! I was playing on a pangea and I got swarmed. It seemed that even the Barbarians were on the rampage. I learned a lot about how to fight (or better, how not to) in this disaster.
I tried Regent again. This time I went with continents on standard size map and played again as Nova Scotians. I was put at the top of a large island with the Aztecs right below me, the French below them and the Americans at the bottom. I made the mistake of not settling fast enough and before long all three of the other civs were combing my land for arable land. I quickly ran out of space to grow. However, the Aztec cities in my territory were very poorly defended so I attacked. I got a couple of Aztec cities, but also got a war against the French and Americans. At first things went well. I picked off several settlers in my territory and put the workers to work in the back. I had all the iron on the island so my swordsmen were doing serious damage to their units until the French and Aztecs started to pillage all my roads. When I was down to one source of iron (and the Aztecs now with one) the Americans offered peace in exchange for a city. I said "no" thinking that the Americans were too far away to be a real problem anyway. BIG MISTAKE. The Americans sent in about a dozen horsemen who took two of my border cities and it was all downhill from there. I got dissected.
I am now back to WARLORD level for my next game. I obviously need to reconsider my battle tactics. So far I have yet to see:
any unit past musketman
any civ at war with anyone but me
an army
a great leader
the Nova Scotian civ-specific unit, the Schooner ship
the renaissance age
a city converted by culture.
The good news is that I have many, many more hours of challenging fun ahead of me.
"I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything, and to my astonishment, the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them." - Charles Darwin
December 19, 2001, 14:18
Local Time: 07:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 7
Impressions about the game:
It's about 80% finished and hasn't been play-tested. That's my impression after putting in quite a bit of time on it. As a programmer it seems painfully apparent that most of it just wasn't completed and tweaked, and that a number of elements were 'rushed' without being fleshed out (e.g., the editor). Furthermore there are some elements which are so obviously problematic that the programming team couldn't possibly have not known about them (e.g., the need for a 'stack' command; since the algorithm for designing a stack function is easy and can be implemented in several different ways, the only excuse for not doing so is a lack of time).
Given another 3-6 months of development I think the game would've been pretty good. But something happened, somewhere along the line, where it had to be pushed out the door incomplete. The programming team slapped in some patch code to wrap up the elements that weren't finished and crossed their fingers. Unsuccessfully, it appears.
It's rather unfortunate as it reminds me more of the quality of CTP 1 than Civ 2 or SMAC. SMAC was an excellent game right out of the box and only got better when patched; Civ 3 is a broken game out of the box and the current patch doesn't address any of the burning gameplay issues - it's all about making sure the game doesn't crash on fairly common hardware setups.
I'm just not impressed. I expected better of the development team. I expected something as solid as Civ 2 or SMAC, not a game which feels like a company's first effort, over-budget and past deadline. In other words, the game seems like the work of amateurs, not professionals.
(Fan-boys: save your breath. Just my opinion. If it gets your blood in a boil, try whacking off more.)
January 4, 2002, 14:40
Local Time: 07:27
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Re: impressions
Originally posted by maxpublic
Impressions about the game:
It's about 80% finished and hasn't been play-tested. That's my impression after putting in quite a bit of time on it. As a programmer it seems painfully apparent that most of it just wasn't completed and tweaked, and that a number of elements were 'rushed' without being fleshed out (e.g., the editor). Furthermore there are some elements which are so obviously problematic that the programming team couldn't possibly have not known about them (e.g., the need for a 'stack' command; since the algorithm for designing a stack function is easy and can be implemented in several different ways, the only excuse for not doing so is a lack of time).
Given another 3-6 months of development I think the game would've been pretty good. But something happened, somewhere along the line, where it had to be pushed out the door incomplete. The programming team slapped in some patch code to wrap up the elements that weren't finished and crossed their fingers. Unsuccessfully, it appears.
It's rather unfortunate as it reminds me more of the quality of CTP 1 than Civ 2 or SMAC. SMAC was an excellent game right out of the box and only got better when patched; Civ 3 is a broken game out of the box and the current patch doesn't address any of the burning gameplay issues - it's all about making sure the game doesn't crash on fairly common hardware setups.
I'm just not impressed. I expected better of the development team. I expected something as solid as Civ 2 or SMAC, not a game which feels like a company's first effort, over-budget and past deadline. In other words, the game seems like the work of amateurs, not professionals.
(Fan-boys: save your breath. Just my opinion. If it gets your blood in a boil, try whacking off more.)
Well said.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 6, 2002, 20:26
Local Time: 10:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 421
Re: impressions
Originally posted by maxpublic
(Fan-boys: save your breath. Just my opinion. If it gets your blood in a boil, try whacking off more.)
Interesting tactic of trying to defuse any possible flames by insinuating that those who disagree need to jack off, maxpublic. Tell me, if I jack off enough, will I agree with you? Is chronic masturbation the key to whiner status?
Anyway, I agree with you in part, although I really like the game: They shouldn't've released it as a semi-beta. However, I seem to remember that the patch did a lot more than just reduce crashes, judging from the list of fixes. And I certainly haven't seen a game produced by amateurs that comes close to Civ 3. I'd be willing to take a look at any examples you'd care to provide.
Charles, while your input is a fine example of me-too-ism, a quote to content ratio of 100 to 1 or worse is to be avoided. Just saying.
Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.
January 6, 2002, 21:18
Local Time: 07:27
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Re: Re: impressions
Originally posted by Ironikinit
Charles, while your input is a fine example of me-too-ism, a quote to content ratio of 100 to 1 or worse is to be avoided. Just saying.
Sorry, come again?
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 7, 2002, 02:51
Local Time: 07:27
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Location: Chinese Camp, CA USA
Posts: 36
I cannot say how truly dissapointed I am in this title. I wasted good money and cannot even return it. So many problems, already been covered by many posters. Corruption is the one that eats me, and how rediculously hard it is to take over cities after a while. This game in Not too hard, it's too untested, and undone.
I have some feeble hope that they will do the right thing, and give us a real "Patch" that completes the game, and includes reasonable playtesting.
It's so sad to see people defending this title without even hammering this company for putting out a Not Even Freaking Done product. Just goes to show that it's harder and harder to get the "TRUTH" to companies with the armies of vocal minorities blowing smoke up their butts about how good they are. Yes men are so popular. Sigh.
"Admiral! There IS No Intelligent Life Here!"
January 7, 2002, 03:00
Born Again Optimist
Local Time: 11:27
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Well, I did my absolute best to help you save your money.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
January 7, 2002, 06:15
Local Time: 15:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1
Re: impressions
Originally posted by maxpublic
Impressions about the game:
It's about 80% finished and hasn't been play-tested. That's my impression after putting in quite a bit of time on it.
snip excellent commentary
I've always been a huge fan of civ, having played Civs 1 and 2 so many more times than any other game.
I'll go back to Civ 2 rather than play this again. You're right, this is CTP again.
Some of us are simple, sad people, who play at Chieftain level and like the idea of crushing tribes with stealth fighters. But the tech cap stops that. Why take away the opportunity? If people want to be heavily challenged, that's what deity level is for. Chieftain level should be as easy as pie.
The end game is tedium personified. Frankly, I have a job and a life - I don't have time for a game that takes 5 minutes to move your automated workers and it takes about 15 minutes total between moves (Pentium III). I get annoyed at losing tanks to spearmen (it can happen) and cities on culture to les advanced civs with crappy cities near mine. I hate the resource distribution which is unnecessarily harsh. I hate the way other Civs get to build marines in 1 go in a size 1 city. I hate the fact that bombers cannot kill units. I hate the ... you get the message, and they've all been covered at length.
The game promises much, but at the end of the day it's unbalanced. They've managed to make it tedious instead of engrossing, and it frankly needs a lot of work that it should have had before they rushed it out to get the Xmas shoppers. Their reward - they will never be able to do Civ 4. They've damaged the brand too much. All because they failed to play-test it properly on a variety of potential purchasers. The opportunity of making the Chieftain - Deity levels the real pivot as to what game experience you get, instead of just how much the game cheats on you, was lost.
I looked forward to this game so long, got it the day it came out; played two games to get used to it and then went into a long huge one. I'm still playing it and bored rigid; it's become a test to see how long it can take. Soon as I've finished, it's coming off the hard disk and I'll wait a few months & see if they've revamped it. If not, it ain't coming back on.
End of a legend.
January 7, 2002, 12:41
Local Time: 10:27
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At this point (halfway through one chieftain-level game) I find it engrossing, yet simplistic. I am disappointed that that AIs can trade stuff on your turn (something I worked out independently before reading it here), and that there is no way to rush wonders other than by using leaders. Wonders are supposed to be the work of an entire civilization, not just one city--the Egyptians brought in workers from all over for the pyramids, universal suffrage was the result of the work of women all over their respective countries, not just one city, etc. Plus, the waiting gets real boring, real quick. Bring back the 50% penalty for switching and allow rushing as in civ two.
It's interesting to play so far at chiefain, but my level in Civ2 was King, so I'll work my up to there before I evaluate any further.
I don't think it'll kill the series, but it does need work.
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
January 9, 2002, 18:02
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CIV III is "F" for Fun!
Glad its not your world, the real world will make CIVIII more "F", fun, not **cked!
That is what all CIV games were, "Fun"!
January 9, 2002, 18:09
Local Time: 07:27
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Posts: 303
Originally posted by Raion
CIV III is "F" for Fun!
Glad its not your world, the real world will make CIVIII more "F", fun, not **cked!
That is what all CIV games were, "Fun"!
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 10, 2002, 10:58
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
Due to all the comments at Apolyton about the game (and my experience with past titles) I had decided not to purchase Civ III --at least until a "Gold" version of some sort had come out. I had set my mind to it, and was going to do it until . . . Well, lo and behold, I got a $25 gift certificate to Electronics Boutique at the beginning of December and had a couple of older games to turn in for some money. I decided to go in and get a game.
I had a real desire to get Stronghold because I had really enjoyed the demo. However, CivIII kept tugging at me. My final decision was made when I saw EBs $10 gift certificate rebate on the box. I effectively got the game for $15; I couldn't pass it up.
Well, I could not have been more surprised. I thought I was going to be in for a real disappointment. I am so glad I chose CivIII over Stronghold (not that it would not have been fun). I find CivIII fun and challenging. My wife and I both find ourselves so engrossed that we notice little going on around us (including when one of us tries to talk to the other  ).
I am really pleasantly surprised. Oh, sure, there are a few things that could have made the game much better, but in the end it *is* enjoyable (well, at least until modern age tedium  ). You guys made it sound sooooo bad.
All of you here who rant about how bad CivIII is, do really find no enjoyment with the game? I find that hard to believe. I understand there may be several things you find lacking, but you don't' like the game at all? Maybe I'm easily amused, but something as simple as the Aztec leader saying " . . . we've noticed your cute civilization" makes me laugh still. There are a lot of things to like about Civ3. Give it its due credit and then mention those items that you find lacking and in need of improvement.
Reading through all these comments, I see a lot of complaints that can be taken care of with the editor. I know, I know "I shouldn't have to use the editor to make the game right." That's an old, tired argument. Maybe the person who said on these forums (and I paraphrase) "it seems the people who MOST complain about things in CivIII are the *least* likely to use the editor and those who find themselves generally satisfied with the game, the MOST likely to use the editor."
Well, that's certainly true in my case. In general I *do* like the game, but I cant' resist the urge to use the editor and tweak it. The first thing I did with the editor is change ALL the military unit stats including movement. Now everything seems to make much more sense and work out much better. (I especially love somebody's suggestion to give units like archers a bombardment value with a range of '0' so that they get a pre-shot when an enemy unit attacks the stack they're in. It works BEAUTIFULLY.  ).
I don't pretend to apologize for Infogrames pushing the game out the door and rushing the Firaxis team to complete it without testing and tidying up the loose ends. I agree that there may be a couple of fundamental problems that should not have made it out to the public. Are we beta testers as Yin would suggest? Probably. But it sure is one HECK of a beta!
I am confident that the Firaxis team is truly devoted to provide continued support and improvement for the game. Will they come out with an expansion pack with features that we believe should have been in the original and charge us for it? Probably. That's kind of stinky of them, but I'll probably buy it anyway if it's chuck full of cool stuff. I don't' have a problem with that. Expansion packs come out all the time in order for companies to make more money on their titles. You feel kind of cheated when you buy the first game, later get the expansion pack, and then find the "gold" version some time later incorporating both titles and costs less than you paid for the two separately. I get over it *if* I've really enjoyed the game which in this instance is the case. (It was the case for Age of Empires also). And this way I get to play it NOW instead of later. That's got to be worth something. Well, it probably doesn't mean anything to those who "hate" CivIII  . (Sorry, no offense) Oh well. Everyone has an opinion. I know; that just totally opens me up to flaming remarks. Bring it on.
January 10, 2002, 16:11
Local Time: 07:27
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Posts: 303
All of you here who rant about how bad CivIII is, do really find no enjoyment with the game? I find that hard to believe. I understand there may be several things you find lacking, but you don't' like the game at all? Maybe I'm easily amused, but something as simple as the Aztec leader saying " . . . we've noticed your cute civilization" makes me laugh still. There are a lot of things to like about Civ3. Give it its due credit and then mention those items that you find lacking and in need of improvement.
You said it, easily amused and your probably an overly optimistic fellow. Perhaps you only choose to see what is right with it, and therefor discarding whatever it is that is deemed wrong with it. I know many people like that in person, it often bothers me that everything in their world is always perfect. Kind of a utopian delusion. But I assure you there *ARE* problems with every corner of the game; editor, gameplay, micromanagement, graphic blips, lack of features, corruption/bugs, to name a few. Ofcoarse I'm a perfectionist and very picky when it comes to games so I'm always looking to first see what is wrong with a product before I look for the good in it. And the only way we're ever going to get Firaxis to improve this product, is to get down and dirty with all the game flaws and report them early so that they have enough time to sort this mess out, and give us the all mighty expansion pack. With all of that said, I guess your pleased by Civilization III the way it is, and the rest of us just simply want more! Sad but true, Sorry.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 10, 2002, 23:38
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
You said it, easily amused and your probably an overly optimistic fellow. Perhaps you only choose to see what is right with it, and therefor discarding whatever it is that is deemed wrong with it. I know many people like that in person, it often bothers me that everything in their world is always perfect. Kind of a utopian delusion.
Wow, you're able to deduce all that about my personality just from that little bit, huh? Not only do you misjudge me, you follow the path of most others on these forums who criticize the game. Namely, belittle others who disagree with you and misrepresent them in an absurd way.
Perhaps if you had read the rest of my post: "I don't pretend to apologize for Infogrames pushing the game out the door and rushing the Firaxis team to complete it without testing and tidying up the loose ends. I agree that there may be a couple of fundamental problems that should not have made it out to the public." you would not have been so flippant in your remarks.
But I assure you there *ARE* problems with every corner of the game; editor, gameplay, micromanagement, graphic blips, lack of features, corruption/bugs, to name a few.
As I said, I know there are problems as well. But to listen to you and others like you, many would tend to believe the game is a POS. Well, I'm sorry, but it is not. It's a very decent game that can be made even better. There is no doubt it is not everything everyone had hoped for, but it would seem that the Firaxis team is dedicated to make the effort to improve it and resolve some more of the pressing issues --as I stated, "I am confident that the Firaxis team is truly devoted to provide continued support and improvement for the game." This is certainly evident with the recent announcement from Jeff Moris.
Ofcoarse I'm a perfectionist and very picky when it comes to games so I'm always looking to first see what is wrong with a product before I look for the good in it.
Your descriptions of my personality make me chuckle because the way you describe yourself ("perfectionist", "very picky") are the same words others would use to describe me. I certainly am able to pick out glaring flaws in the design of a game. Unfortunately, many of these "flaws" that are stated about Civ3 are nothing more than disagreement on the design of the game (I'm talking about fundamental design decisions). Many of the other perceived flaws, as I stated "can be taken care of with the editor." Not all, mind you, but many. As far as the other issues, they should be pointed out to Firaxis in the hopes that they will be resolved.
I'm not opposed to your getting "down and dirty with all the game flaws", but in this post I am merely attempting to give my take on playing CivIII as my "First Impressions" --consistent with the title of this thread. I wished merely to give at least some sort of positive feedback to others who may still be considering buying the game. From your posts, it would seem that CivIII is not worth one red cent and certainly not worth one second of your time. Tell me, then, if the product is so bad, why do you care to even bother with it? I have purchased games in the past that I thought were going to be terrific. I had such a horrible time with them, I don't care how much patching they would have done, I would not have bothered myself with playing it anymore. In the case of CivIII, I want a good product be made into the best product of its kind.
That's the viewpoint I approach it from. So, take you flawed cynicism,
With all of that said, I guess your pleased by Civilization III the way it is, and the rest of us just simply want more! Sad but true, Sorry.
and bury it.
I want Firaxis to make a product I enjoy into a wonderful product. You want Firaxis to take a product that has "problems with every corner" and make it into something it is not. If I found a game with so many problems, I'd ditch it. Why don't you? I guess you're too busy "looking to first see what is wrong with a product before I look for the good in it." The rest of us will encourage Firaxis to make their good product better. Sad but true, Sorry.
January 11, 2002, 14:27
Local Time: 07:27
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Location: Canada
Posts: 303
Originally posted by Colonel Kraken
Wow, you're able to deduce all that about my personality just from that little bit, huh? Not only do you misjudge me, you follow the path of most others on these forums who criticize the game. Namely, belittle others who disagree with you and misrepresent them in an absurd way.
I don't deduce anything about anyone, and if I have made assumptions of your personality or offended you personally I do appologize. I do not intend on belittling anyone, but people like yourself are lowering the Firaxian standards by filling their heads with posative bibble babble that the game is fine the way it is. And that directly violates any chance of the critics gaining ground in the crusade to improve what they feel is wrong with the game. So indirectly your "good opinions" although meant no harm, are only getting in the way, however don't get me wrong I'm not saying that people don't have a right to enjoy this game or talk about it. I'm simply stating that in order for the critics to get their job done, we have to make Firaxis aware that the game isn't so good and it needs work.
Perhaps if you had read the rest of my post: "I don't pretend to apologize for Infogrames pushing the game out the door and rushing the Firaxis team to complete it without testing and tidying up the loose ends. I agree that there may be a couple of fundamental problems that should not have made it out to the public." you would not have been so flippant in your remarks.
No, you described Civilization III's problems as if they were a minority issue and passed them off as if half of them where delusions made up by exagerating whiners, at least that's how you came across to me. "I agree that there may be a couple fundamental problems" it sounds like your making light of the existing problems or treating them with very little concern. Maybe you should state your awareness level as to how your dealing with the problems with the product so that I can understand your entire view, which hopefully is a non-biased one.
As I said, I know there are problems as well. But to listen to you and others like you, many would tend to believe the game is a POS. Well, I'm sorry, but it is not. It's a very decent game that can be made even better. There is no doubt it is not everything everyone had hoped for, but it would seem that the Firaxis team is dedicated to make the effort to improve it and resolve some more of the pressing issues --as I stated, "I am confident that the Firaxis team is truly devoted to provide continued support and improvement for the game." This is certainly evident with the recent announcement from Jeff Moris.
No, now your making presumptions of my personality. I don't deny that Firaxis is working on the growing list of issues with Civ3, they have to in order to prevent the mobs from ruining sales. But I do deny entirely that they have bothered to nurse and cradle their community through this hard time. Obviously people are upset, and asside from the real "whiners without a cause" the rest of us are hardcore fans and deserve better treatment. And my current opinion with no offense meant to you, that Civ3 IS a POS. I'm not amused at all, and I've spent 100+ hours already on the largest map with 16 civs at the highest difficulty level. I'm astonished that people are okay with the way the game is, but that can mean only one thing in my mind, they are easily amused. And anyone with logic would also apply the same theory had they really criticised the product, or just bought it and went to bed with it. [...shrug...]
Your descriptions of my personality make me chuckle because the way you describe yourself ("perfectionist", "very picky") are the same words others would use to describe me. I certainly am able to pick out glaring flaws in the design of a game. Unfortunately, many of these "flaws" that are stated about Civ3 are nothing more than disagreement on the design of the game (I'm talking about fundamental design decisions). Many of the other perceived flaws, as I stated "can be taken care of with the editor." Not all, mind you, but many. As far as the other issues, they should be pointed out to Firaxis in the hopes that they will be resolved.
"nothing more than disagreement on the design of the game" this is why I'm disputed your point, because you take the list of problems and shrink it with a proclaimed non-biased vocabulary and than step on it as if to put a fire out. You try to maintain that your non-biased and that you agree with the design flaws yet you do not completely pay tribute to their existance. With that said I'm now confused as to what your orignal point really was, other than revealing yourself as another overly-optimistic easily amused fanboy, by analagy ofcoarse - no offense or name calling was intended.
I'm not opposed to your getting "down and dirty with all the game flaws", but in this post I am merely attempting to give my take on playing CivIII as my "First Impressions" --consistent with the title of this thread. I wished merely to give at least some sort of positive feedback to others who may still be considering buying the game. From your posts, it would seem that CivIII is not worth one red cent and certainly not worth one second of your time. Tell me, then, if the product is so bad, why do you care to even bother with it? I have purchased games in the past that I thought were going to be terrific. I had such a horrible time with them, I don't care how much patching they would have done, I would not have bothered myself with playing it anymore. In the case of CivIII, I want a good product be made into the best product of its kind.
Because obviously I have a passion for this game, and am willing to wait to see what it becomes. As I said before (which you obviously neglected to read) I have been a fan of this game since the early 90's. And due to the passion I have for this game-concept I have devoted myself (like others) to improving it as much as possible. And if I did things the way you appear to do them, I would be trapped in utopia without a worry or concern for anything. But asside from spending $50 on this game (which might I add - could feed a starving child for a month in some countries) I have spent so much time following the Civilization concept and community that I will be there for it to the end good or bad. I've earned my right (seat) to complain however I please, and I always have the basic right of freedom of speech, so with that being stated, your opposition of my complaints bares no weight.
That's the viewpoint I approach it from. So, take you flawed cynicism, and bury it.
The only thing I'm going to bury is the game inside it's box, ofcoarse not even that is possible because I've refunded it.
I want Firaxis to make a product I enjoy into a wonderful product. You want Firaxis to take a product that has "problems with every corner" and make it into something it is not. If I found a game with so many problems, I'd ditch it. Why don't you? I guess you're too busy "looking to first see what is wrong with a product before I look for the good in it." The rest of us will encourage Firaxis to make their good product better. Sad but true, Sorry.
No, I guess you're only available debate tactic is that of a last resort; to twist my words around and use them on me. I never contested that I wanted more than a team of proffesional game designers could offer, and that is all. And if they do the difficult and uproot some of the coding and make modifications here and there, they can make a splendid editor loaded with a "no-limit" customizability factor. The question is, will they. And as I said before, you may just "ditch it" but only for the better lack of caring for the product in question, need I remind you that the two major Civilization websites are "FAN" sites, maybe you should look up the meaning of "FAN" and than tell me that if I don't like it, I should "ditch it" that way at least you would have ground to stand on. Right now your asking me to give up 8 years of fanhood and throw Civilization away. Well I did refund it, but that doesn't mean that I've given up my rights as a consumer to dispute the reasoning in it. As I said before (hopefully for the last time) I've earned my seat.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 12, 2002, 09:39
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
I'm not going to go 'round and 'round with you, Charles.
But, for what it's worth:
Here's my initial reaction to your post et al:
Heres my subsequent reaction:
Good day!
Colonel out.
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
Civ3 IS a POS
'nough said
Last edited by Colonel Kraken; January 12, 2002 at 09:48.
January 12, 2002, 14:14
Local Time: 07:27
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Location: Canada
Posts: 303
Giving up so soon?
well then...
Here's my initial reaction to your posts:
Here's my subsequent reaction:
PS. I guess the game can't be that good if the constant refining of lies can't be turned into truths anymore.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 12, 2002, 16:44
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 815
I have ran across entire whole games that one can not change, because they will not work any other way.
No one complains about those games, but they just do not buy them any more.
Now it comes to this game, and all of you think that you are the boss about this game. You are not, nor has anyone played it long enough to know how it was intended.
At least with this game, there are things you can change, but if you want to do it and put up with the crap that people dish out, then you are all welcome to write your own game.
Sure some things will change maybe later in a patch, but this kind of indifference to what you people think you want and what you do, is not what anyone wants to hear anymore.
Entire whole games have been there as it is on the shelf, take it or leave it.
Personally, I do not think you people need any games, just have some need to complain about anyone and everything that you think is wrong.
Why bother the rest of us with it?
You purpose that if you do not tell anyone, that they will not know it, I really doubt that, but to the extent of some people, get a life!
January 14, 2002, 00:59
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 11:27
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Originally posted by yin26
Well, I did my absolute best to help you save your money.
We're the smart ones.
Boycott stands.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
January 14, 2002, 11:57
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
I knew it. I knew it! I knew you couldn't resist, Charles --like shootin' fish in a barrel.
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
Giving up so soon?
well then...
Here's my initial reaction to your posts:
Evil grin? Now, what do you mean by that? Was I easy pickin's?
Here's my subsequent reaction:
Oh, now come on, our discussion was anything but boring.
PS. I guess the game can't be that good if the constant refining of lies can't be turned into truths anymore. 
Ouch. OUCH! That hurt. You're killing me here, Charles.  C'mon, now, you can do better than that.
 Oh, Charles, you're so much fun. I do sincerely love going 'round and 'round with you. But I don't want to bore the rest of the readers of this thread with our bouts.  We know who'd come out on top in a face to face confrontation anyway.
You know, I have this sneaky suspicion that you and I are very similar. I'm sure if we met in person we'd get along splendidly.
Here's to you  for receiving my words ***(Hah, hah. It blocked out ***.) for tat. I imagine we'll just agree to disagree. I like the game (for the most part); you find the game, in its current iteration, a waste of time. That's fine; obviously not everyone is going to like/dislike the same things. That's what marketing's all about!
By the way, do you mind if I ask how old you? Just curious.
Last edited by Colonel Kraken; January 14, 2002 at 12:06.
January 14, 2002, 11:59
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
Originally posted by Raion
I have ran across entire whole games that one can not change, because they will not work any other way.
No one complains about those games, but they just do not buy them any more.
Now it comes to this game, and all of you think that you are the boss about this game. You are not, nor has anyone played it long enough to know how it was intended.
At least with this game, there are things you can change, but if you want to do it and put up with the crap that people dish out, then you are all welcome to write your own game.
Sure some things will change maybe later in a patch, but this kind of indifference to what you people think you want and what you do, is not what anyone wants to hear anymore.
Entire whole games have been there as it is on the shelf, take it or leave it.
Personally, I do not think you people need any games, just have some need to complain about anyone and everything that you think is wrong.
Why bother the rest of us with it?
You purpose that if you do not tell anyone, that they will not know it, I really doubt that, but to the extent of some people, get a life!
Oh, Charles, this sure is one big fat juicy target for you!
January 14, 2002, 18:01
Local Time: 07:27
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Location: Canada
Posts: 303
( rubbing hands together )
Originally posted by Raion
I have ran across entire whole games that one can not change, because they will not work any other way.
No one complains about those games, but they just do not buy them any more.
Exactly ... "no one buys them anymore" which implies two things, first the products are a big loss in quality, second the company reputation has fouled to the point that it has affected sales. Nor you or I or anyone for that matter can say what is a "good game" and what is a "bad game" because one thing is for sure, only 'sales' can determine that. And just because Civ3 has sold many copies in it's first term, doesn't mean that it will continue to do so. My opinion is that in time Civ3 will either be the abomination of Firaxis products or it will be saved just in the nick of time.
Now it comes to this game, and all of you think that you are the boss about this game. You are not, nor has anyone played it long enough to know how it was intended.
Okay let me see here, not only are we bossy but we have no idea what Civilization III was designed for or how it was designed [...scratching head...] there goes my 8 years of Civilization knowledge down the tube, thanks for making me see the light Raion. Btw, what is Raion anyway? Is that another word for mustard or something? Just curious.
At least with this game, there are things you can change, but if you want to do it and put up with the crap that people dish out, then you are all welcome to write your own game.
'things we can change' well I will admit that, you can change alot with Civilization III's greatly expanded editor, and scenario design tools, not to mention it's vast and colorful organic maps. Wow! I'm amused! But seriously.. Civilization II blows Civilization III away when it comes to customization and scenario design, so what is there that you can change that has real value to the mod-community, oh wait... I'm not very good at playing Civ3, in fact I suck.. I'll just tweak the Legion defensive value to say.... 100.. ahh... thats better. Oh, now that you've given me the widsom to see the error in my ways, forget the hundreds of dollars and the many years of comitment [...Fling...]I've thrown away my copy of Civ3... now I'm going off into the woods to design my own game now! Bubeye.
Sure some things will change maybe later in a patch, but this kind of indifference to what you people think you want and what you do, is not what anyone wants to hear anymore.
Oh... so now you speak for the other 3.9 million fans out there too? Who are you and what part of France did you come from? Buddy, it's only a game which we bought and now we have the right to b_tch about, or has 'freedom of speech' been cancelled in France? Well last time I checked we were allowed to discuss Civ3 (good or bad) in these forums without any neopolianic dictators telling us how to take a dump! Raion along now (cough) Run along now.
Entire whole games have been there as it is on the shelf, take it or leave it.
You hear that people! They aren't just colorful walls at the game store, you can actually purchase those things! I'm excited.
Personally, I do not think you people need any games, just have some need to complain about anyone and everything that you think is wrong.
Yeah I bought my copy of Civ3 and shortly after playing it and realizing that I didn't like it, I decided that my new goal is "world domination" so I joined a Canadian Satanic Cult and decided to make everyone's lives miserable from now on, I figure a useless and hardly known forum like this one would be the best place to start, what do you think?
Why bother the rest of us with it?
"the rest of us" who are you talking about when you keep referring to a mass or group behind you (looking over your shoulder) I don't see anyone but your shadow. I'm sorry does it offend you to read game-criticism, perhaps you better have some milk and cookies and tuck yourself into a better story next time. Geez.
You purpose that if you do not tell anyone, that they will not know it, I really doubt that, but to the extent of some people, get a life!
It's "perpose" not all purpose flour you plick.
PS. How was that Colonel?
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 15, 2002, 18:20
Local Time: 15:27
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Posts: 815
I am not going to say that CivIII may not have problems.
I think that they took the computer game and made the people the computer, and the computer the human player -- from CivII.
I still have Dos-Civ, and that is one bad game, if I even remember it.
But, I think Firaxis will patch this game, until it is something worthwhile, or else I just been buying games that leave me little to be satisfied with.
Just to me Civ III is funnier, and since playing on King level in Civ II, a while back now, I rather spend $50-65 on Civ III than AOE, which I also have, and both of them, they are the ones that sit on the shelf.
I guess it's not important if I win at Civ III right off the bat.
Raion is like Ray-On, or something like that.
Back to homework.
oh, the gang is the other reviewers of Civ III at gamespot who rated it high because it was hard to play, and for being different than previous versions, who have at least a little faith in Firaxis to develop the game even further.
January 16, 2002, 06:00
Local Time: 07:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Canada
Posts: 303
Originally posted by Raion
I am not going to say that CivIII may not have problems.
I think that they took the computer game and made the people the computer, and the computer the human player -- from CivII.
I still have Dos-Civ, and that is one bad game, if I even remember it.
But, I think Firaxis will patch this game, until it is something worthwhile, or else I just been buying games that leave me little to be satisfied with.
Just to me Civ III is funnier, and since playing on King level in Civ II, a while back now, I rather spend $50-65 on Civ III than AOE, which I also have, and both of them, they are the ones that sit on the shelf.
I guess it's not important if I win at Civ III right off the bat.
Raion is like Ray-On, or something like that.
Back to homework.
oh, the gang is the other reviewers of Civ III at gamespot who rated it high because it was hard to play, and for being different than previous versions, who have at least a little faith in Firaxis to develop the game even further.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
January 18, 2002, 10:22
Local Time: 10:27
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 296
Re: ( rubbing hands together )
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
PS. How was that Colonel?
Nice . . .
You sure are something else, Charles. You just love slamming and making fun of others, don't you?
You should try being nicer. Hmmm . . . maybe you have "issues."
I've had a psych class or two; maybe I can help.
January 18, 2002, 18:27
Local Time: 15:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: USA
Posts: 815
Apparently, the people playing the tournament games here are able to play CIV III.
And they have scores!
January 19, 2002, 10:21
Local Time: 07:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Canada
Posts: 303
Re: Re: ( rubbing hands together )
Oh no, I definately have issues. And the fact that they're locked inside my head bouncing around in a frolic of evil multiple personality.. really throws me through the fabrics of reality every now and then. You might also call it "pissed off".
PS. I'm sorry if I appear mean, but some people are just so stupid they walk right into it. If you're going to argue, use a little wisdom blended with facts. Otherwise bend over and kiss your ... well you know the rest.
- What we do in life, echos in eternity.
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