In the Avault review, the reviewer states:
Civilization III does include full-motion video clips when you build a Wonder, but these are much shorter than those in Civilization II and only run for a few seconds.
(Imran also noticed this, btw)
Is anyone else as upset about this as I am? Had anyone heard of this before?
For me, one of the best things about building a wonder, and one of the largest contributors to "One More Turn" gameplay, was the wonder movies.
As implemented in Civ 2, they were a revelation (Statue of Liberty, anyone? Why would you build Statue of Liberty EXCEPT for the wonder movie?), and in SMAC, they went from exciting (Cloudbase Academy in SMACX) to funny (argh, that Morgan one, Information Networks?)
Now this one review would suggest that the videos have been de-emphasized. I have to admit, looking at the wonder movies was one of the things that I was looking forward to over the next few days...
Heck, even CTP had some cool wonder movies...