- DVD Version!
Alhough not a final decision, a DVD version is planned for the spring of 2002(probably in March or April). It could contain some of the elements of the LE(nothing specific if it will be in the LE tin) and probably things like scenarios, etc. This DVD version will be released world-wide, unlike....
- LE not sold outside USA
And now for the bad news. LE will not be released outside the US. The reason? See below
- Difference in release dates between US/UK/Europe
It's simply due to "production, distribution and resources". Since the US market is more important, it had priority and even exclusivity(in the case of the LE)
- Translations
Depending on demand, there will be full translations in various languages probably around spring.
I have some questions about this information,
1º. Although LE won't be sold outside USA, can I buy it on - line from Spain?
2º. Will be the DVD sold outside USA? will be translated too?
3º. Will I have to wait till spring in 2002 in order to have my CIV III translated into Spanish?
4º. The Civ III that is suppossed to be in 16th November in Europe won't be traslated or perhaps only the manual?
Thank you very much.