November 2, 2001, 22:37
Local Time: 15:36
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Originally posted by Sarcastro
The "quote" tag only grabs words with some actual value. For instance, ad-hominem arguments don't get quoted. Unfounded assertions and refusals to make any concrete points are also left out. It's a UBB-streamlining thing.
Boy howdy did you earn your name there, man. That was impressive sarcasm. :::Round of applause.:::
November 2, 2001, 22:46
Local Time: 09:36
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Yes, you don't like it so you're venting. You also seem a bit miffed that other people do not share your viewpoint.
Since I tend to use randomized maps, I don't find your gripe to be important. Sorry.
Odd, I don't recall saying anything about how nifty (or annoying) the graphics were.
|"Anything I can do to help?" "Um. Short of dying? No, can't think of a |
| thing." -Morden, Vir. 'Interludes and Examinations' -Babylon 5 |
November 2, 2001, 22:59
Local Time: 09:36
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To make Zylka feel happy I'll add a gripe.
The game tends to freeze or be unable to accept some commands (like holding down the shift key to select a research path) if I play it while I have other applications running in Win98, so I can't follow your missives on the forum and play at the same time. Bummer.
Otherwise, I'm afraid I cannot share your utter dissatisfaction, Zylka.
|"Anything I can do to help?" "Um. Short of dying? No, can't think of a |
| thing." -Morden, Vir. 'Interludes and Examinations' -Babylon 5 |
November 2, 2001, 23:00
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Jason, I'm rather hoping Zylka isn't a Westerner. (Also expecting, as we would tend to talk about Eastern Canada as meaning Ontario and Quebec and speak of the maritimes as the Far East).
Therefore, he wouldn't likely be a typical Reform or Alliance member.
Besides - we in the West have many common views with the Maritimers.
P.S. It's high time you got your offshore mineral rights! It took us from 1867 to 1930 to get equal treatment - but we finally did.
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
November 2, 2001, 23:02
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Actually, before I got off topic - I just wanted to agree with previous posters... Being a settler doesn't mean lack of Civ experience.
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
November 2, 2001, 23:20
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Someone mentioned earlier. . .
that they want to build their own unique civ instead of choosing a "type"... well you can.. just turn off the individual strengths option when you start a new game.
I don't think Civ has been dumbed down (I have yet to finish my first game). So far it seems like Civ has been made more newby friendly, yet retains a good deal of depht. Although I would have to agree with people on the worker micro management. However... I'm beginning to think that maybe its not suck a bad idea to let the workers automate. I just put them near a city and hit Shift-I (makes them work the city area and allows them to change terrain improvements)... the workers seem to improve more efficiently than I do... I think there is something to be said about mines on grassland/plains.  I've noticed the workers seem to irrigate the optimal amount provided there is fresh water around... Then again maybe im just trippin
Many of the gripes I hear about can be solved by reading the manual/civilpedia... many however cannot... feel free to ask if something can be done or not before proclaiming bug status on it.
Thanks for reading,
Last edited by Ballz1998; November 2, 2001 at 23:27.
November 3, 2001, 01:23
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Sinapus - I really did mean it when I said they solved some logistics problems of number 2, and was trying to reitorate my dissatisfaction politely.
November 3, 2001, 01:59
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This notion of identifying people who disagree with you as (this is the classic term) fanboys is BS. I wouldn't use age of kings or other RTS to wipe my arse, thanks. The animation is cute but entirely unimportant to me. It looks ok, clean, good enough. The stuff underneath the city is the visual improvement I care about.
Someone drew a stupid map, hooray. A little unimportant compared to no MP or editor? The indications from the dev team comments is that the editor they are gonna patch (although they said if and when) and the MP it sounded like Infogrames wanted to sell to us later. Which blows.
Meantime, this is a very good SP game. I'll suck it up and buy MP when it comes out if they do that. Running around declaiming my outrage to the heavens isn't gonna fix it.
As for the crack he made about Eastern Canada? I pointedly DIDN'T make any comments about Alberta or the Reform party until someone else brought the subject up. I know Albertan Liberals (They exist!) and Albertan Reformers and they are both fine people. Judging people by their province is beyond laughable. I don't care for the party but peope I judge by what they say and do.
The comments were offensive, but just quoting them is rebuke enough; a little personal monument of stupidity. Even in a bad mood I wouldn't say something like that, say to someone from NFLD or something. Is it supposed to offend me, an essentially lower upper-class or upper middle class academic? It makes me a little sad I guess... Nova Scotia is fairly affluent except for fishing and former industrial areas, but some people have fairly... simple economic world views.
At any rate, that has nothing to do with Civ3. Friend of mine played it for a few hours and has decided to get it too. So long as the editor and MP are released ASAP with as little trouble as possible I'll have fun. I won't like having to pay, but I can, because the games are good. I'm not going to get a froth up over it.
Last edited by Jason; November 3, 2001 at 02:06.
November 3, 2001, 04:30
Local Time: 16:36
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I've got £10 that says Zylka is Evan Von Christoph.
November 3, 2001, 04:37
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It was just a joke Jason, relax.
November 3, 2001, 04:38
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This "Evan Von Christoph"... he must be a classy fellow, no?
November 3, 2001, 10:35
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To know him is to love him.
If, that is, "love" can be defined as "to point at something and laugh at it".
November 3, 2001, 13:26
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Back in line, box-car bugs.
November 3, 2001, 15:11
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God, what a waste of bandwidth. And what a pompous ass.
November 3, 2001, 15:22
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Enough spamming... back to the thread, or don't bother to post
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
November 3, 2001, 17:41
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Couple of points:
Zylka: I'm right because you're stupid and you're stupid because I'm right  BTW, why the trolling? Do you get a kick out of it or some other reason? You do know that you've been making an idiot out of yourself, right?
Ok, proper point now. Whoever said that being a settler doesn't make you inexperienced as Civ is absolutely right. I never played Civ I, but I've played a game of Civ II practically every day since it was released, it has only left my hard drive for a couple of days due to reformatting, thus I am a Civ II veteran (although never multiplayer, I didn't get the mp edition) and yet I only discovered and signed up for these forums just this month. Having more posts doesn't make you a more hardcore/skillful Civ player, it just makes you a more harcore/skillful spammer.
Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.
November 3, 2001, 18:46
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Oh horror of horrors, I look like an idiot to the ultra credible DEATH-RAY!@@!#q#$@
I'm not trolling. I am honestly quite dissapointed with this game, sore me for voicing an oppinion.
November 3, 2001, 19:21
Originally posted by Zylka
Like I said, I don't expect any of you morons to understand. The only ones who will agree with me and know what I'm talking about are the legends who know number 2 inside out.
This is not civilization. It embodies the success of terrible mass games in its feeble imitations.
They negated the successfull themes of the first two.
The graphics look just fine in a really polished 3-d sense, I would be happier with simpler, darker, less specific, REALISTIC graphics.
This was about the money, that is something you will never understand.
I await the true civ3, perhaps it will one day come from the ashes of the underground. Have fun with your easily amused ignorance, you all suck and feed the sellout Sid.
First of all, how can we understand you if you not willing to go in the specifics instead of only generalizations? How will you further your position by patheticly insult others? Civ3 is a SEQUEL, not an updated clone of Civ2 wasn't a updated clone of Civ1. The game just came out, so they will have patches.
So mainly judge the game base on graphics??? If you don't like the graphics, change it then Mr. graphic designer. I am sure there is that option as with Civ2. From the screenshots, i know there some pieces of graphics i don't like... but instead of complaining, i will take the advantage to be able to modify the graphics like i did with civ2.
As for the legends.... you and them should realize that Firaxis did say that they redone the coding from the ground up instead of simply basing on Civ2. So of course the programming won't be the same. If you don't like Civ3, then simply go back to play Civ2 instead of making a nuisance of yourself and insulting others.
now, you call us ignorant??? look at you! So willing to stay in one position by denying the knowledge of others. your the ignorant one.
November 3, 2001, 19:32
All aside, I don't like the game. You do like the game. I voice my complaints, which however "vague" are still a lot more specific than "I LIKE IT CUS IT'S KOOL AND THEY OBVUROSLY POORED THAR HARTS INTO IT I LIKE DEM 3-D GRAPHICS AND SUCH."
 Thats how you sound like, in a negative way along with insulting others that they know nothing.
Civ3, a new Game.... people will like it or not... if you don't like it and prefer Civ2, then stick with Civ2... no one is trying to force you to like Civ3 not you seem to try to force people to see your point of view. If Civ3 is not your sequel, then go program your own sequel with your buddies instead of giving headaches.
November 3, 2001, 21:08
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This thread seems to have degenerated into a race to sling the
most insults and idiotic garbage possible.
Spose the primary difficulty for civ 3 is longevity. No MP and no
scenarios will shorten civ 3's stay on hard drive.
Also hate the way they tried to "sex up" civ with schlocky glitz like
leader and unit animations. Looks ready made for the lowest
common denominator crowd. There nice for a while, but then they
just get annoying.
Some things that 3 does improve on is play mechcanics that give
a more holistic "I'm actually running the country" feel and an AI
that doesn't feel like some contrived impediment to success.
November 3, 2001, 23:30
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LordMp, you got here pretty late for the type of input you're giving.
November 4, 2001, 01:28
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This thread is dead.
Someone please put it out of it's misery.
November 4, 2001, 03:28
Local Time: 09:36
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Originally posted by Zylka
LordMp, you got here pretty late for the type of input you're giving.
tsk, Tsk, Zylka, always so quip with the words. You could give people the benefit of the doubt, after all we can't all be such blessed Civ players like you.
Hehe, just an old pal checking in on the conversation.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
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