For the europeans out there waiting who wanted info on gov't types..... (I'm french so..)
Military Police- none
Corruption - catastrophic
Production - nothing except food; no hurrying
Science - None
Support - No gold needed for any support
* city tiles produce 1- food for every tile with 2+ food
* workers work at 50%
MP - 2 troops / city
Corr - rampant
Pro - hurry w/ pop. drop
Support - 4 units/town w/o support
* city tiles produce 1 F/S/C less if terrain produces more than 2
* can draft 2 citizens / city
MP - 3 troops/city
Corr - significant
Prod - hurry w/ $
Support - 2 units/town w/o support
* draft 2 citizens / city
MP - None
Corr - nuisance
Prod - hurry w/$
Support - no free units
-- special --
* city tiles produce 1+ commerce where there was already 1
* draft 1 unit / city
* war weariness
MP - 4 troops/city
Corruption - problem (not affected by distance from capital)
Prod - hurry w/ population
Support - 2/town 4/city 8/metropolis
-- specials --
* espionage have greater chance of success
* draft 2 citizens/city
MP - No
Corr - minimal
Prod - hurry w/$
Support - no free units
* +1 commerce every square which already has one
* immune to propaganda
* workers work 50% faster
* draft 1 citizen/city
* war weariness has big impact
hope this wets your appetites...