Ok, I am a Mac person, but I also uses PCs.
When I play Civ 2 it is on the Mac so I cannot verify if this works...
Text files on the Mac have lines ending with Carriage-return.
Text files on PCs end with Carriage-return and Line-feed.
Because programs made for the Mac usually take this difference into consideration, it is quite usual for Mac-programs to be able to read PC text files, but not vice versa.
Tex-Edit plus - the best $15 shareware ever - can do the conversion for you. The extra linefeed will appear as as square in your text, same as the text files inside your Civ2:Civ2 files:Support folder. Open them in Tex-edit to see.
>hehe thats pretty stupid.I mean what program do PC people use to write their texts?
Notepad usually works nicely. A program for the PC thats even simpler than Simpletext.