Just had a few comments to share. I apologize if any of this has been brought up, but I don't have much time to check other threads. So, without further ado, on with the show.
1. Big one. Enemy units, especially sea units, don't really mind violating territorial ZOCs. I can tell them repeatedly to get out of my territory, which they shouldn't come in in the first place unless they mean to attack, and they'll agree to leave at which point one of two things happen. They leave taking the longest route possible to do so, including going straight through my entire area, or they don't leave and continue to move around in my space. War isn't usually an option as they'll have protection agreements with an ally or someone I don't want to tick off and, in the case of sea incursions, privateers are a joke.
2. Other big one. The AI doesn't really seem to care one way or the other about anyone but themselves. Granted in some cases this is accurate, but in others its rather inappropriate. It seems the AI plays nice just so it can make unreasonable demands for technology or exploit you in other ways. Whatever happened to mutual friendship?
3. Minor. Why is it nobody wants to continue an agreement after it expires unless you give them more and more for it? Some things should by all rights be beneficial to both sides but they have no interest in maintaining it.
4. Editor has been covered, I know that. Heh.
1. Kudos on the combat system! Not sure what anyone else thinks, but I personally like the realistic overhaul.
2. Strategic resources. Ups and downs on this one. Downs because it's hard to keep the agreement for trade going without getting extorted. Ups because it's a really good idea in theory.
3. I harp the most on games I like.
Anyway, that's about it. Thoughts?