Computer AI trys to lure my spearman out of city with a worker
*Note( I'm playing on Deity) Well to put it mildly this was extremely impressive peice of AI work. Anyway here's what happen. I have 2 spearman fortified in my city. The AI has got 2 units to my north and 1 unit and 1 worker to my south. The AI moves both units form the North next to my city. The AI also moves the worker from the South next to my city, but leaves the unit that was protecting it directly behind it.
I didn't fall for the bait and left both my speaman fortified in my city and was able to fight the units off.
Unfornately here's where the dumb part of the AI comes into play. About 8 or 9 turns before this I had traded the AI a lump sum of 70 gold and 8 gold per turn for Masonry, Bronze Working and Pottery and then immediately attacked them. Anyway the the computer finally allows me to negotiate peice after not acknowledging me for about 8 or 9 turns. Unfornately though it should have went ahead and crushed me becaused it had far more units and had 7 cities to my 1 city. It could have easily finish me off. This was stupid on it's part.
Now lets go back to the smart AI again. The AI refuse to allow me to include any gold per tunr in the deal. Seeing as how I had just ripped it off of 8 gold per turn; 8 or 9 turns back; which would have ended up costing them a total of 160 gold.
Now back to the dumb AI again. The computer allowed me to have peace for 5 gold. Which was the only thing I had to trade for since it wouldn't take any gold per turn deals. Now thats stupid after ripping it off 160 gold it gives me peice for 5 gold even though that was the only thing i had to trade, but this was definately a case where the computer should have went ahead and finish me off.
Last edited by dennis580; November 2, 2001 at 04:23.