November 8, 2001, 13:44
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Has anyone been attacked by a civ while they have right of passage with them? I had right of passage with 2 civs on my borders and neither have aver attacked me, although once they use up all their open space they do build cities on the other side of my borders. But since I have great culture these cities are usually absorbed before to long.
November 12, 2001, 09:49
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Regarding Governments Preferences
If memory serves me correctly it has to do with the disposition of the leaders to the other civilization during diplomatic endeavors. It skews their friendliness positive or negative regarding likelihood of making deals.
Therefore, it should have no impact on your own civilizations development.
Of course things could have changed since the introduction of culture as a major factor.
November 12, 2001, 20:51
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Citizen Nationality
An interesting little thing I noticed last night...
If you take over a city by conquest then the citizens keep their old nationality (as everyone knows). On the other hand, if you negotiate for a city then any cities you are given have citizens with your _own_ nationality.
This is probably a mild bug, and I would like to believe that it will be fixed, but for now you can enjoy new cities with less chance of defection (raze the cities you don't want, then demand the cities you do in exchange for peace).
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November 13, 2001, 04:00
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Originally posted by Special_K
Has anyone been attacked by a civ while they have right of passage with them? I had right of passage with 2 civs on my borders and neither have aver attacked me, although once they use up all their open space they do build cities on the other side of my borders. But since I have great culture these cities are usually absorbed before to long.
I have seen it happen, once. It was only a few turns into the agreement, too.
November 13, 2001, 14:06
Local Time: 10:50
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Originally posted by Special_K
Has anyone been attacked by a civ while they have right of passage with them? I had right of passage with 2 civs on my borders and neither have aver attacked me, although once they use up all their open space they do build cities on the other side of my borders. But since I have great culture these cities are usually absorbed before to long.
I am involved in a game right now as Egypt where exactly that happened. I was in a war with the Aztecs to the north of me, who seemed to have all the coal on the map, and had I just discovered Steam Power. I had a military alliance with Greeks against the Aztecs and after I took most of the nearby and decent-sized Aztec cities, I made peace with Aztecs and I continued to allow the Greeks right of passage to keep the Aztecs busy in their peninsula far from my capital or forbidden palace. I didn't really want to take the cities myself., and was more interested in speeding up my tech development.
After the Greeks took an Aztec city, its culture borders decreased, leaving an opening for me to settle an area right beside 3 coal squares. About 2 turns after I settled it, the Greeks took about 25 cavalry that were headed through my empire, and attacked 3 of my largest cities, and successfully took 2 against the defending riflemen, and took a bunch of my workers who were hard at work on the railroads. They also attacked the coal city with about 10 units, but it was well-defended and never captured.
This caught me completely by surprise, and to add to the problem, when I struck back in self-defense, the Iroquois declared war on me as a result of their mutual protection pact with Greece!
I have since taken back all my cities, plus 2 more Greek and about 4 Iroquois cities. The war did cost me 2 wonders that I was in the middle of building (Adam Smiths and Shakespeare's Theatre) as my democracy went out of WLTKD, and provided 2 great Egyptian leaders. I sued the Greeks for peace, and have since signed a mutual protection pact with them. Never going to let them in with right of passage again! And now I've been dragged back into the war with the Iroquois. What a fun game!
Interesting thing - when you recapture a city with a minor wonder in it, you have to rebuild the wonder.
November 13, 2001, 21:48
Local Time: 07:50
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back to the distilled tips...
I have noticed that, contrary to popular belief, the nationality of captured workers does not affect how fast they work. It is your nationality that matters. All captured workers, regardless of nationality, work at exactly 1/2 the rate of your normal workers.
So if you're Industrious, then your free captured units are as effective as other civ's workers that cost gold or unit spaces for upkeep.
I'm not giving in to security, under pressure
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
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November 17, 2001, 08:00
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Regarding resource depletion
I don't know how common this is, but in an early game as I was learning the rules, I had to build a looooong road to an Iron square to get the resource, and after building 3 Swordsmen, it got depleted. However, another source immediately showed up, in a hill square, outside of any sphere of city influence, but luckily for me, right between 2 cities that had just been completed.
Perhaps the game performs some sort of regeneration routine for depleted resources, so look carefully after something gets depleted.
November 17, 2001, 11:26
Local Time: 16:50
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Posts: 624
The thing that bugs me about clearing forests and jungles is: that some bonus resources only appear in jungle or forest (rubber mainly, uranium appears in mountains too).
What happens if you've cut the jungle/forest down before being able to see the resource? Will it be lost?
November 17, 2001, 18:41
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Originally posted by Grim Legacy
What happens if you've cut the jungle/forest down before being able to see the resource? Will it be lost?
I've finally started seeing this in action.
If you haven't DISCOVERED the resource yet, then they stay 'hidden' in the same spot, regardless of if you clear. So I generally clear away
If they disappear and need to REGENERATE. I don't know.
November 18, 2001, 16:06
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Alright. Let`s put it so: whatever you do to the terrain, any strategic and luxury resources on it remain there. Proven. I cleared all my jungle in the first game, and had rubber on grassland in a "former jungle" squares after I discovered it.
Not sure about bonus ones.
November 19, 2001, 07:02
Local Time: 16:50
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Posts: 624
Ok, that's very comforting to know.
I was looking at 30+ captured workers and the massive jungles to the north with some reluctance.
November 19, 2001, 17:51
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resource depletion.
In regards to a previous post...
Some resources can be depleted. If you check the editor, all resources but Rubber and Horses can be depleted. HOwever, if a resource is depleted, it will repair at another square on the map that supports this type of resource.
Hope this helps.
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December 3, 2001, 14:26
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Originally posted by regoarrarr
I've also gotten techs as 3/turn. The game is on Warlord as the Greeks. I was following my money-making strategy that I outlined in another thread. Basically trading each tech as i get it to every power for an insane amount of gold / turn, and then setting 100% science.
I'm still in the middle of the game, and as my cities get bigger I hold out hope to get it down to 2 turns / tech.
The question is:
Did you get techs at 3 turns from the beginning of research?
Or did you had some research effort put in it before? (perhaps someone gave you the tech you're researching before)
Because if X turns of research effort has already been put to a tech, the 4 turn cap is reduced to (4 - X) turns to research! 
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December 5, 2001, 05:33
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How long does citizens remember when foreced labour are used?
Originally posted by Lord Maxwell
When hurrying production with forced labour a citizen is worth 20 shields. (And they remember it for 20 turns as well.)
My expierience tells they remember much longer. I used to build early cities near irrigated wheat or cows (which gives excelent food production) and then hurry everything I needed. But I was forced to drop that game, because not after long I got all citizens unhapy no matter how many improvments/units/luxuries/luxury rate/entertainers i have. And citizens remembered this "cruel opression" at least about 60 turns (i did experiment and (i hope wrongly) cocluded that they remember forever)
January 11, 2002, 07:05
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Re: Resource Depletion, Terrain Improvement, RRs, more
Originally posted by inca911
Resource Depletion:
Although some folks are fortunate enough not to even notice the phenomenon, resources in Civ3 can disappear from time to time due to depletion (likely just a random factor).
Do you think that resource depletion is more speeded by slapping a mine on top of it?
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January 11, 2002, 15:47
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Uranium for one can be depleted without use and I have seen others.
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