AI and Difficulty Levels SG Explanation
Whether this can be confirmed as accurate in final release, here's how the strategy guide lays the difficulty levels....
------------------- Chief .. War .. Regent .. King .. Emp .. Diety
Content Citizens ........ 4 --- 3 ------ 2 ---- 2 ------ 1 --- 1
Build/Advance Rate .. 200% . 120% . 100% . 90% . 80% . 60%
Barb Combat Bonus.. +400% +200 . +100% . +50% . +25% . +0%
Content Citizens - Number of citizens born content. All citizens after this number are automatically unhappy.
Build/Advance Rate - Multiple determines how fast your opponents build units, improvements, Wonders, and complete research. for example, if the number is 200%, your opponents take twice as long as you to complete tasks.
Barbarian Combat Bonus - This multiplier is added to your unit's stats when they fight barbarian units.
NOTE! It also says corruption increases with difficulty levels.
Chieftain and Warlord, units do not automatically disband when you run out of gold.
Chieftain and Warlord, improvements are not automatically sold off when you run out of gold.
On all levels, your first few units require no support. Chief and War, several additional units are supported free.
Lower the difficulty level, the more likely goodie huts will have rewards.
Opponents are more lenient at lower difficulty levels.
Opponents less likely to break treaties and are less aggressive at lower levels
In all other situations your opponents play at Regent level.
Last edited by Howling Chip; November 2, 2001 at 11:30.