November 2, 2001, 12:01
Local Time: 15:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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First Modern War
Well Babylon survived the turbulent ancient era's
Unfortunately I got tied into a dirty border conflict with the Russians. Both of us had early tanks, conscripts, and small hints of airforces and navies.
Oh man it is tough  . After losing hordes of troops trying to Sieze Kiev and somje other russian town, I decide to pull back and go on the defensive. Not anticipating an AI counter-attack of course
Well I was mistaken... 8 Units moved down the road from Kiev to Little Babylon (a small colony outside babylon). They cut my Iron and Rubber supply and I was unable to build armor. So I was left to my own elements... (5 tanks, 11 marines, 7 conscripts, 4 artillery, 2 fighters, and 1 paratroop.btw I was in War mode). So after cutting my Iron supply they siezed 2 towns on the border and positioned themselves to pick off babylon. I counter-attacked, it worked! But it costed me...I spot 2 Modern Russian tanks (I dont have modern ones built) so I evacuate the city to the forest east. They Ruskie tanks landed a paratrooper in the city, and whacked my tanks outside. And again, I dont have goods to build anymore. So I tried my best to counter-attack, no go... I fortified 11 Units outside Babylon to block them... They never came, Instead they swept north in Uruk and Ninevah. Which I only had a conscript gaurding each city... so I was effectively screwed and dug in. Thankfully Iroquis DOW on Russia and they began to sack Russian cities far far away from me. But it was to late for  Babylon fell in 1855 a.d. thus ending my game (I think thats the year)
the AI is cool  . I know i shouldnt be complaining but perhaps, but dont u think its a bit too hard?
November 2, 2001, 13:25
Local Time: 15:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 289
Try to keep your military at its "critical mass". You can see what it is on the military advisor screen. As long as you have a tough military and vibrant culture the enemy will almost always agree to a peace treaty with you.
Still, hehe, that's exactly why I don't use colonies. If your bankroll is big enough you can pay for whatever it takes to make a city useful and get that resource in its sphere of influence.
November 2, 2001, 16:41
Local Time: 12:51
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What level are u playing.
November 2, 2001, 20:02
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Cant remember, think it is the one above Regent
November 3, 2001, 21:57
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Thanks for sharing your game with us Faded Glory - I loved the modern era wars of civ2, can't wait to try civ3's.
It sounds like its important to build as many units as you can when you have the right resources available.. before the enemy cuts off your supply.
Would there have been a way to trigger a golden age when you saw the russians were going to be a big danger? My idea is to keep a special unit back or use the wonder method to trigger a GA when u most need it.. i'll have to test this theory out.
Even if you can't build big units at least you can build lots of marines and low resource units for mass unit build up over a few powerful units.
Maybe you should have made good use of your fighter aircraft, using them for recconaisance to spot the Russians attacking you on your flank through nineveh for example.. shame you couldn't have taken out their supply line for their tanks, using a sneaky transport transporting marines across behind their lines
November 3, 2001, 22:49
Local Time: 15:51
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Yes the AI is ruthless in war. The best I can say is keep your elite forces back and ready in case the worst happens. I made the mistake of Sending my best Armor and Mechanized battalions to attack Kiev early on. The city was heavily defended with Conscripts, Artilery, and tanks.
Try to conserve your best troops. THe AI has a knack for knocking out what matters. And once you loose your supply...your left to your own elements.
Towards the end I tried to scrape together everything I had to counter-attack and retake the cities I lost. I did that......but the AI swept my elite forces aside like confedetti
War is tough as hell in Civ3
November 3, 2001, 22:56
Local Time: 15:51
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THe russians were twice the size I was. I figured it was only a matter of time before they won the game themselves. But I had several disputed border areas I wanted to Settle. Not to mention there culture was encroaching upon my soviergenty. Kiev, when it was founded was like a salient in my land. By the 1600's it had pushed my culture back to 2 tiles from my closest cities.
I had 3 fighters, 3 destroyers, and 1 battleship. both of the fighters were lost to Sam's in Kiev and Ekaterinburg. The third was lost when Babylon fell.
The ships stayed in port most of the game. Wasnt much, atleast.....I did send some of them out once to sink a sub, only to be sunk the next turn. They didnt stand a chance, atleast not against the 4 Russian Battleships and uncountable Destroyers, PT boats, older ships.
November 4, 2001, 03:32
Local Time: 07:51
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I have had a modern war also, they are tough!!! There was the Egyptians, and Aztecs on my continent, and there were the French, and the Germans on one right next to it. There was also a third huge continent with the Greeks and the Romans. There was an early civilization on my continent which the Egyptians destroyed early on. In the late industrial age, the Germans destroyed the French and took over that whole continent. Also, the Greeks were wiping out the Romans. I made a military alliance with the Aztecs, and the Egyptians against the Germans. I had the largest army besides the Greeks who had the biggest army. I had about 5 modern armor in each of my cities, and built 32 which I sent off to Germany. I also had 4 aircraft carriers, one with stealth bombers, one with stealth fighters, one with F15's, and the other with old bombers. I sent over the two carriers with the stealth units. I had by far the biggest navy then all the other civs combined. I had around 25 battleships, 3 transports, 2 ironclads, 10 AEGIS, 2 nuclear sub's, 5 regular sub's, and 8 destroyer's. I sent over 4 of my battleships which I kept trying to bombard the German's only army which was taking a long time to kill. All of my modern armors destroyed around 3/4 of the German cities, and are about to wipe them off the face of the map. I also made a deal with the Greeks to attack the Romans, who had only two cities on a very tiny island in the middle of no where. I launched to ICBM's which destroyed all of their units plus got their cities down to the size 3. In a couple of tuns, the Germans, and the Romans will be gone. Then, I will plan on betraying the Aztecs, since they have very little cities, and then the Egyptians. After them, I won't dare fight the Greeks who already rule half of the world!!!
I have learned that you can use ICBM's or tactical nukes if you have military alliances against certain civs. Otherwise every single civilization declares war on you!!!
BTW, I was the americans playing on warlord difficulty. It was on a standard size map with 8 civs.
November 4, 2001, 03:34
Local Time: 07:51
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Oh, one other thing, I cut off the supplies to all of the german resources, and they could only build archers!!!
November 4, 2001, 13:07
Local Time: 15:51
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Umm ya I got into a second modern war now last night
I was Babylon again, this time it was france. Who was soo much bigger... But I had the edge of armor and 29 units ready to go. So when I launched my attacked I was shocked to see my progress go extremely deep into french territory. wholly 5 cities fell!!!!! With now only 17 to go  . I kept on driving my troops unopposed..I did this till we hit Cannes. I say this because cannis was an inlet whos road led to paris. No way around it...only through it. My first assault of 7 units was repulsed by tons of Conscripts. my second spearhead broke through...but by then France had gone into war state and her larger cities were now cranking out tanks and marines of there own. So on the road to paris 11 troops headed for it...attacked it. We were repulsed at the bloody gates.
Then came 6 turns of holding on to Cannes as it changed hands 3 times. In the end the city was lost, and I noticed the inevitable massive flow of AI units heading towards me. I saw this last game, and you know when you see this.....your busted. Because then it becomes pure attrition! Somthing I could ill afford. Eventually the frensh drove me all the way back. I could not believe it
They now seemed poised to strike into my small sparesly defended heartland. And the flood of troops from frances production centers...far.....far east in Paris, Orleans, Marsielle, and Caen were producing tons of troops making there way gingerly to the babylonian border.
Fortunetly, by the grace of god they accepted a cease fire  . I was even able to retain the tiny french city of Lourdes
Huge price to citizens began rioting for the next 30 turns. I was toast
November 4, 2001, 16:47
Local Time: 00:51
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Yeah, what I've noticed if that its vitally important to keep the initiative, once the AI gets back on its feet and starts counter-attacking and raiding your screwed. I try to stick with short sharp blitz attacks when I'm not picking on a much smaller civ...
Kept restarting the game through but I think I'll finally get to the modern age in my current game...
Stop Quoting Ben
November 4, 2001, 18:32
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Ya it seems like its all about iniative. Btw what government would you recommend?
Im on communism...tho I hate the corruption and pollution. Any other governements military costs too much
November 4, 2001, 22:16
Local Time: 07:51
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Originally posted by faded glory
Ya it seems like its all about iniative. Btw what government would you recommend?
Im on communism...tho I hate the corruption and pollution. Any other governements military costs too much
I was democracy, all you have to do is build police stations in each city, and maybe the one that reduces war weariness, and you will have a ton of money and excess production!!!
November 4, 2001, 22:17
Local Time: 15:51
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Posts: 144
I have learned that you can use ICBM's or tactical nukes if you have military alliances against certain civs. Otherwise every single civilization declares war on you!!! I have learned that you can use ICBM's or tactical nukes if you have military alliances against certain civs. Otherwise every single civilization declares war on you!!!
What did you mean by that. When you use Nukes everyone declears war on you?
November 5, 2001, 01:33
Local Time: 07:51
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Originally posted by manofthehour
What did you mean by that. When you use Nukes everyone declears war on you?
Yes, say everyone is at peace...And you decide to attack one civilization...and you attack them with a tactical nuke or ICBM first...after hitting some of their cities, all the civilizations declare war on you because you did something very bad in their eyes. But, if you have military alliances against certain civilizations, you can use nukes as much as you want and the only people who care are the ones you are bombing!!!
November 8, 2001, 09:38
Local Time: 17:51
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Posts: 108
well, i think you are still playing civ2 style. keep this in mind; cities are not that important in civ3; resources are far more important than cities, so its higher priority to cut off roads & destroy harbors & invade resource gathering tiles than capturing cities. drafting & mobilization & inability to use roads in enemy territory all account for the defender.
whenever i decide to go to war; my first priority is to destroy opponents naval trade routes; that is destroying harbors in all coastal cities; coordinated naval & aerial bombardment is perfect for this; invasion is not necessary, keep ground units on ground fronts.
second priority; ally with a neighboring country preferably on the opposite side of the enemy; which means seperation of defense forces between two fronts.
third; before assaulting on an enemy city, make EXTENSIVE use of artillary; cut off roads, destroy population, damage defenders. far more superior tactic than civ2 style tank rush.
November 8, 2001, 09:41
Local Time: 17:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 108
..forget to issue as much trade embargo as possible of couse...
than its all yours, not much better than a sitting duck, waiting to be grilled..
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