First question:
What is the easiest way to set up Civilizations? I've played a few scenarios where the civs already have a
couple citys, some improvements, some units, etc. Now, i know that I can just put the wait at end of turn
flag on then switch the human player to the next civ and build a civ that way... but I find this very
tedious. Anyone have any suggestions? I should mention I'm using Civ MPG.
Well... simply said, there
is no other way .
But we live in a world with practical things, so there is a small util that allows you to switch to other civs without cheating (although you must cheat to create the new settlers). But you will not get around placing every single city yourself, improving it etc. You must do everything all by yourself.
Second question:
What is the easiest way to customize units? For example, in the scenario I'm designing there it starts in
the Industrialization Age. So all of the medieval units and ancient units are not needed so I want to
change them to more modern units. Is there an easy way?
Check out the file Rules.txt. It contains a very detailed explanation of how to change the single factors etc.
Third question:
Is it easier to edit the tech tree with the editor that comes with Civ MPG or to use a text editor?
That is a very tricky question. Basically it is easier with the FW/MPG editor, but it suffers many memory bugs, so it can corrupt the file "Rules.txt" in which the techs are, very easily. It is advisable to use a text editor and change the things manually.
Last question:
Know any sites with a good graphics library? I have a great imagination but I can't draw (even
electronically) worth crap.
Well, one of the best can be found here:
It provides you with the basic sets of graphics that any designer should have (esp. the "Ancient" and "WW2" files by Harlan Thompson). There, or here at Apolyton, you will find links to other sites with other collections... or simply download a scenario which you think takes place in "your" time and copy the graphics. Designers usually won't prohibit you from doing so provided you credit them and maybe ask them for permission.
What are you looking for in particular?
Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
Our survival is based on continouus changing.
-Mao Tse-Tung
God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
much screwed that whole idea..
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