Best options for city growth...?
Hey folks,
OK, if your sole goal was to make your cities become as big as possible in the shortest amount of time, what would you do?
I realise some of these options won't help at all, but increasing which of the below options will help the most in city growth:
- Entertainers
- Farmers
- Workers (or whatever it is...)
- Merchants
- Scientists
I figured only farmers could help, but I may be wrong.
And lastly, would farms be the best tile improvements for city growth? Again, I would have thought so, but I guess the other type to bring in production and commerce would have some beneficial effect.
Keep in mind I'm looking for the 'quickest' city growth, to help improve my game.
3am...! Can't be, I just started...!
Ahhh, my first Nuke!
Now the fat lady's singin'...