Well.. hmm. It really depends.
Depending on your personal network of alliances, the AI may decide to gang up on you if you've been isolationist and not signed any diplomatic agreements. Remember though that there is now a huge co-dependency factor, and even if you are the largest/most powerful the exchange of goods and services would make fighting you an unattractive choice.
Also, if you maintain an impressieve military and have a high culture, most Civ's are going to be way too scared to go after you. Do not underestimate the AI though, if you let military alliances between the AI fractions blossom expect to have some problems.
Much more common though is world wars. Where 2-3 Civs have Mutual Protection Pacts each other resulting in WWI type situations. Can't control it, and I don't like to get involved in those sort of things, but it is a real threat (war *SHOULD* be a real threat... all those agreements create a great atmosphere of tension)