Changing the startup screen in 2.42
I want to change the startup screen on my copy of 2.42 is this possible? Or is it the .exe or something? I think it's title.gif in gold edition. But alas I don't have it.
Ok O.T.
As a civ player (played original and bought civII when it first came out) I found this site a month or so ago and stumbled upon OCC. It got me interested in civII all over again-thanks for the tips
I'm having a GREAT time!
B.T.W. I NEVER won a deity game with any huge margin between me and AI but after playing a half dozen or so fortnight OCC I got that all important science city down and lo and behold! Diety Level-to AD 1985 Pop. 71,110,000 (full sized ship 4 modules maxed out everything) 7 civs, raging hordes, medium map. Vaughn the Magnificent of the Deathrock
!!!Civ rating 276% score 2130!!!
You guys rock! Thanks for the help