I'm still in my first game, a huge map with 16 civs, in the year 1550AD and I haven't found anything in the manual on what year the game ends.
Anyone out there know? I think I've seen a post that said 2050 was the last year. Does it just stop counting your score but let you continue playing? Or are you forced to stop at that time.
I looked in the editor, but didn't see an option to change it.
I wish it would go farther. I turned off space race victory so it's either cultural, domination or peace.
It's a very strange game right now. There are three continents. One large one medium one small.
3 civs are all about equal on the large one. Then myself the Americans the Russians and one aztec city are on the medium one and french have the small one all to themselves.
I don't see how there is anyway possible for a domination victory on this map and my culture is alright. Peace is an option, I've had about 4 wars, one of them major. The major war was myself versus the Aztecs and the Russians. Then I made a peace deal with the Aztecs then made a peace deal with the Russians then attacked an Aztec city and got the Americans and Russians to fight the Aztecs. Then after taking their one very important city (the one that cut my empire in two) I made peace with the Aztecs so now I am at war with no one.
I am going to try and dominate my continent but it will be hard. I do have gunpowder before anyone else and am working on Cannons and the like. It's been a really good game so far.