I am up to doing the coastlines and noticed that there is 25 pictures for them in Terrains2.gif, at first glance it appears to me that some are missings, like for instance the ones where there is 3 sides of land and 1 of sea ? unless I have to use the river mouths ?
Also the pics in #7 particularly the one that is land on the left side and ocean on the right side appears to me different than in the game.
The help from anibody who played with those in the past would be greatly appreciated.
No, none of the graphics are missing. You see, when the game loads, it maps out the coastline icons like the pieces to a puzzle. That's why it looks as though some are missing.
However, if you are going to redraw these, you have to draw the ocean and land as they are in the icons or they will not overlap right and mess up the graphics in the game.