Probably only works on Cheiftain but...
I'm playing on Cheiftain level (just to get my feet wet) and I'm in like 1990 AD and have been using Republic like as soon as I got it. I've been kicking everyone's butt in tech's so to keep my head above water money wise, I've been trading my techs off for money per turn (like 30 - 50 $ per turn) which has kept me at like 200 + $ a turn. However, I've finally ran into a corruption problem and as previously stated in another thread I've been starving the cities I take over out and raizing insignificant cities that are by those that I take over just so I don't have that influence on my beaten cities. I will say that courthouses + temples don't help a frappin thing when trying to get rid of corruption. There has got to be a way of getting rid of corruption, can't wait till we figure one out! Anyway, just thougth I'd lend a helping strat hand out to anyone that may be still having problems on Cheiftain & Warlord levels.