Grouping units for movement?
Hi all.
Haven't got the game yet (live in the UK), so all my info comes from the official site, reviews and you guys.
Despite having read as much as i can i still can't find out if it's possible to group units together other than in these armies.
While armies sound all well and good, i want to know if one of the main problem of previous Civ games has been solved - namely can i group large numbers of units together to move them?
I'm not looking to combine attack and defence strength, just a way of minimising the number of units i have to move if i'm doing a bit invasion, or making sure my transport ships always have a superior combat ship on the same square to protect them when moving about the map.
I'm sure you've all got into the latter stages of Civ2 and been trying to manouvre 70 howitzers from one side of a continent to another where you have cities with transports and AEGIS cruisers in, waiting to take your army off on an invasion. And i surely can't be the only one who found that the Goto command always seemed to find your units jumping off your railroad at the one square on the continent wherer there isn't any. Either that or making a bee-line for the nearest enemy unit or city so the movement gets stopped...
And i'm sure i can't be the only one who's been trying to get a fleet of 8 transports and accompanying cruisers across an ocean only to find that come the end of the turn you've managed to leave one transport unprotected?
So, can i group units, or has this most obvious of improvements been left out? If it has been left out, are there any campaigns currently going to get Firaxis to add this feature in in a future patch? And if not, why not?