Just some random thoughts as a first impression after playing civ3 for 2 days now
This is playing the limited edition version {was the only one in the store woohoo!}
- The simulation is a GREAT DEAL more realistic, no longer is it an issue of pummeling everyone with brute force, i've actually won a full campaign without waging ANY war!
not even a single skirmish, i simply inundated my cities with defensive troops, and overwhelmed all competition with culture, wonders, and diplomacy, the other civs never even tried to attack
- Trade and finances is VERY nicely implemented, a great deal more realistic and much better to manage, if frieghts and carvans used to piss you off you will love the upgrade
- Easy win gone, no longer can you beeline for fundamentalism and then buy all the cities up with the spy, now you have to win the hard way
- Diplomacy is a real joy now, the other civs act far more normally, reacting much less randomly, your best friend will not suddenly invade you out of nowhere, i've noticed that civs with whom you have good relations will test you very casually at first and give you warning signs that things are not all peachy
- Diplomacy Choices, there is a great deal more choice in terms of diplomacy, you can actually tell the other civ what you want, and have THEM tell you what it would cost, the trade advisor is a big help, there are tons of variations, excellant upgrade
- Borders, we finally have borders, that alone would be worth the upgrade
- Culture works VERY well, i was very very unhappy when they first announced the way the culture would work, but i must admit i was flat out wrong, the way the culture is implemented is both natural and realistic, it adds a seriously impressive element to the game
- Graphics, this is both a strength and a weakness, the graphics are far better, the map literally is a living breathing thing, it literally comes alive, the downside is that this takes a great deal of processing power, it does slow the game down some, i miss civ2's 2d map in it's simplicity of use, but overall it is a good upgrade
- Line of Sight, anyone who doesn't have the game yet, line of sight will totally blow you away, in civ2, as soon as you uncovered a square it stayed uncovered even if you left, and you NEVER saw movement in that square again unless you were right next to it, civ3 totally revamps it, not only do you ALWAYS have full realtime view of movement within your borders, but the line of sight outside of your border MOVES WITH YOUR UNIT
if you uncover a distance square...and move away, it gets covered up again {as you aren't there to see what's there anymore}, even better, it does not just go from on or off
it's got an intermeditate grey zone, where you see it, but very darly vieled in a dark shadow, fog of war

The nicest part about it is that it uses the terrain for line of sight
stand behind a mountain and you won't see past it
stand on the mountain and you'll see vast distances
- Customisability, not what i'd HOPED for, but a great deal more than i EXPECTED, you can customise civ3 a great deal more than civ2 out of the box, that is to say, without waiting for addons, but, not everything can be customised
I'd write more but i gotta go get me "one more turn"