Best way to Start
Curious to see what some good players observed GOOD starting methods are,
here's mine
Build ON a resource, this city will be the hub of everything so i put it somewhere that has 3 food if possible
Always build an archer to start, lower defensive strength but can attack as soon as something comes near
that should get you up to 3 citizens, build settler
build more archers for defence {can be converted to shields later if needed or stave off barbarian uprising}
go up to 3 citizens, build settler, keep going until you have expanded as much as is possible
{expand ONLY one sphere away, in an X - like patter, if rome is the center of the x, build 4 settlers, if terrain lets you, on the edges of the arms of the x, now each arm is a new "rome", expand continuously in that way, but never more than that, that way you expand potentially 4 cities for every 1, yet still get to develop that city afterwards}
Once THAT city has finished expanding build 2 workers
set both to Shift+I so they develop exclusively in that city
when they finish work on that city and can't be shift+I'd anymore, automate them so they will work on the rest of the empire
Other notes
Always set up camp 5 squares away from the city the settler came from in the X-like pattern, this covers maximum ground and makes sure cities do not overlap
First city upgrades should be religious ones, like temples, colloseums etc.., culture increases upon itself the older the building is, so the best culture buildings increase by the largest amounts for the entire game, get the temples up early
Set initial funding to +10 per turn, don't go below that, let your science suffer if it has to, the workers building roads in each city automated will get you money so it's not urgent
Use this money to trade with new civs you meet
NEVER give them maps, never give them tech, never give them communication with other civs,
turn them down if they offer,
counter offer to BUY communications with other civs
that way you will be able to trade with everyone and they won't be
Make a beeline in development for the great library {this makes up for the science you missed early on}
Build all your wonders in one place, two max, not only is this easier to defend, it vastly improves your culture power
After great library, beeline for monarchy, and finally currency
when you get currency, build market places like crazy to get huge cash benefits
change to monarchy the moment you can, avoid republic like the plague until you are COMPLETELY dominant
when you are afraid of no one {when all your neighbours attacking you, would easily lose} then consider republic and make a beeline for pure science
#1 tip
waste no turns, time is very precious, even one wasted turn is too much
I've had very good results with civ3 doing it this way so far
Essentially i end up expanding far more and far quicker than anyone else, i get the great library first which makes me lead in science, that gives me currency faster which lets me overpower other civs financially, i control all communications so i get a leg up there, can easily build up alliances against other civs
and the culture lets me conquer other civs without even waging war, they generally seem to not even try to wage against me as they fear my armies and culture
any other strategies out there?
vini vidi vici