On many of these threads, the subject of the difficulty of gaining technologies in the early age comes up. Most of us have already figured out how to deal with it. However, I seem to have bumped into a very interesting method of utilizing technology.
Start your game. Settle. Get 4 beaker's and push your technology to the max. You *SHOULD* get it a bit quicker now. If you're playing on a "level" field you'll most likely have it before your neighbors.
Now go to one of them and offer the technology for some amount of gold per turn, keeping your technology slider on maximum. Rinse, Lather, Repeat amongst all civilizations (make sure you're the first one to sell it to them) and you'll find that running an empire with no tax can be lucrative indeed.
Another neat little trick along the same lines is after you get writing and mapmaking to contact everybody and get their world maps. Then sell your world maps back to all the civilization's you bought it from for a markup. Neat huh?
Just one addition : when you trade tech, trade it in the same turn to every civilization that you can. Otherwise they will trade it amongst eachother and you get nothing...
They could add an option like they do with football-players : when you transfer them to another team, you get money once *they* tranfer them to a thirth team