I like Civ III and I will really love it after they fix the minor bugs, interface and the other obvious neglected things. But I just can't have 30-60 second delay between each turn.
I started at first with 16 civs, then tried 12 now 10 but still its gets slow at the middle-industrial age.
Why, why does that happen. Civ II didn't have such problems even in the end of the game.
My comp. just in case:
PIII 666 (ok its said 667 but the only reason they wrote 7 is... u know

Voodoo 3 16MB
20G HD
Anyway. I still didn't try the traditional 8 civ because it takes me all day to get to industrial age so I didn't have time. Anybody else, is it much better in 8 civ game compared to 10-12?