You will need a city with a harbor on the continent where the resource is, as well as a harbor in a city on your home continent. A colony alone will not be able to transport the resource back to your home colony. You also need a navigable sea route from the city back to a city on your home continent with a harbor. Navigable means you have to possess the technology for crossing that type of square (Map Making for Coast squares, Astronomy for sea squares, and Magnetism or Navigation for Ocean squares). Navigable also means it cannot pass through enemy waters or be blocked by enemy ships.
As for the corruption, the best solution would be to build your Forbidden Palace there. However it will be very difficult to build since the city will be very corrupt when your first start. So you will probably need to use a Great Leader to rush it.
Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.