4 things that need to be patched right now
Long time civ player--I like the game after ~20 hrs, but here are my 4 biggest complaints from least annoying to most annoying.
1. The city advisor that resorts every 3 seconds. Why bother to make the list sortable? Completely worthless. This can't be difficult to fix.
2. While you're fixing the list of cities, make sure that the list highlights cities that are in civil disorder or will be in civil disorder next turn. Civ 2 did this, why remove it?
3. Armies should in heal in 1 turn in cities with barracks. If the units were separated they could all heal in 1 turn. Please tell me this is just a small bug and not a design decision.
4. Bombers can't destroy units! This seemed silly and slightly annoying at first, but the more I think about it the more ridiculous it is. I could understand bombers being unable to destroy ground units that are inside cities/fortresses, but I think that units out in the open should be able to be destroyed. Or at the very least, let the damn bombers sink ships. At sea, the bombers are largely worthless if you don't have lots & lots of other ships to mop up after bombardment, which is difficult since the AI's frigates & galley routinely defeat elite ironclads & destroyers. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET PLANES SINK SHIPS.