I just won my first game last night
I had basically got myself setup real nice and was churning out tanks against my enemies to fight their swordsman and knights. The thing is is that the game had to run right through to the very very end for me to finally win. I thought that the new domination rules were supposed to put an end to this constant hunting for the very last city.
Oops, I just checked the manual and it says that domination applies if "the vast majority of the world's land
and population are inside your borders". I really think this should be
or since if you are intent to own the world, you really can't absorb the cities you conquer as the corruption expenses will eventually kill you and anyway who wants to manage all those cities. It would be nice if the game could basically see at some point that it has no chance of winning and just surrender, at least having the option to enable this would save a lot of tedium at the end of the game, just a suggestion.
Another question I have for people out there is as you raze cities you get all these workers. I found them handy for building a railroad behind my advancing trrops for fresh troops, but after a while you just get so many of them that I was starting to just "execute them" as soon as I had wiped a town. But does the number of these guys at the end of the game count towards your final score. If so is it better to keep them or ditch them. This is assuming that all of your other cities are maxed out and don't need to have these workers added to the population.
Alkl that being said, great game. A lot of of fun, it has been years since I have played a game that made me have to force myself to go to bed at 3am even though I have to be up by 7.
For campaigns of conquest if you don't like to MM I can definitely give a big thumbs up to the Automate city worker in this city (Shift-I) and having the city governor look after happiness. I imagine on higher levels you might want this control but once you get your city ramped up the automation tasks are better than in civ2 and Smac by a bunch. I just wish the city can get it in its head that when I choose to build a tank there there is a good probability that the next unit I will want built will be a tank and not some stinking Jet Fighter.
I have included a minimap of my game, and if this is a bug with domination and maybe can be fixed my settings were chieftan (my next game will be at a higher level, promise

), large pangea with 5 opponents, finished 1914ad.
Finally I just started posting to this board about 5 days ago though I lurked here for weeks on end before the game was released just to get any tidbit of info.
Just want to say thanks