The strategy I've been using in my most recent game is to camp clumps of 4ish immortals outside a couple enemy cities and then have them do quick surprise blitzes at my enemies (the goddam ICSing zulus mostly) in which each of my clumps of immortals takes a city (and perhaps a few workers) and then immediately settle for peace before I can be counter-attacked (rinse and repeat). This means that I'm doing a lot of war mongering, will this hurt my reputation in a Civ 2ish manner and come back to bite me in the ass?
So far I'm doing pretty decently, don't have any wonders since my capital usually cranks out immortals (got fairly close to the pyramids and then got beaten to it and the production got wasted

) and my tech is mediocre but I've got the second largest population of 16 civs on Regency and with another war or two I should move into the pop lead...