You may also want to try this: draw a grid on a sheet of paper (each cell about 3 x 1.5 cm), cut the sheet following the lines and place a tech on each clip. Arranging them, you can figure the several connections with an effect similar to the Civilopedia. Another suggestion: since lots of techs yield various effects on the game, print the list of the standard techs with the descriptions of those effects, and write your techs beside the original names. I downloaded it from the Cradle of Civilization, ; it refers to FW and ToT, but it doesn't matter. An example? Let's say that the discovery of Virtual Reality changes the way of training of the military world. Following that list, two techs sell barracks and increase their maintenance cost, representing the need of an upgrade: Gun and Mob. Instead, if you want V.R. increases the effects Gaming Network (alias Temple) has on the people, you MUST place it at Mys. No other techs will produce the same effects. These two methods make me succeed doing this work on paper; if you think you can do it with your eyes on your computer, good luck!
[This message has been edited by MirkoGP (edited September 11, 2000).]