I finally won a game! yay!

sadly i was getting VERY frustrated towards the end..
For one i wish my cities would stay on an item i want to build.. i turn off ever feature on the city mayer and they still switch from wealth to something else on me... it was driving me nuts!
Corruption - is buggin the hell out of me... all needed was oil.. what i got was a city that could not build cus of corruption.. very sad..
Pollution... within like 1 turn i had like 12 squares of pollution appear (before the polution reducing improvements) i spend at least 5-10 mins per turn organizing my stupid workers... having the workers use a command that searches JUST for polution.. would be VERY VERY usefull...
Also i need a question asked... can I still get voted in and stuff for UN after the stupid forced retirment in 2050?