Ok, though no one seems interested Im gona continue this because it gets REALLY interesting...
First let me say that I stoped this game because 16 players+alot of units+a great game engine=BAD lag but ill tell you my adventure up until my retirement...
Well after the great uprising of the barbarian tribes around Pompei I officially decided that I would take down the camp 3 squares away from Pompei with a Vet legion. I was alittle leary of going in though because only recently I sent an archer to clear the barbs out, but JUST before he got to the camp about 15 barbs exploded out of it. The archer killed about 6 before finally falling himself. But my Legion went down, and defeated the
1 Warrior Guarding the town. I got 25 gold AND a Elite legion, not bad

Meanwhile on the diplomatic front I built a road that connected me with Babylon. They wern't in love with me after I raped them like "A redheaded step child"

but couldn't say no to fine Ivory tusks, especially Roman, the finest tusks on earth *cough*only*cough*

. And they valued resources ALOT and gave me a VERY nice deal. Meanwhile my infastructure grew and I met civs from everywhere on earth, non especially happy with me because in terms of war there areas are cool blue and mine a firey red.

but most traded SOMTHING with me.
My military, though most were either stalking Babylons border or guarding my cities, grew large and powerful. At this point for NO REASON WHATSOEVER I sold Pompei to Russia, then took it back with force

I think that day my leader drank ALITTLE to much Russian vodka.

However the evil Babylons were preparing for somthing, even though they sold 7/10ths of there army because of lack of funds and gave me pretty much whatever I wanted, I had this insane-paranoid feeling that they were plotting.... always plotting

So to counter the Non-existant Babylonian threat I built up and started on a crusade that would cause the fall of both Babylon and Rome as empires, and leave the door open for an unexpected foe...
My troops stoped fiddling at the border and invaded, storming two cities easily and even fighting into the wine-vinyards around the city of Babylon itself. But attempts to take Babylon failed. However my push didn't stop. But suddenly a force of Bowmen stormed a important border city taken in the last war. This turned out to be a truly great blessing in disguise as my elite troops stormed the city and created a great leader (name begins with a T but I dont remember the whole thing) This leader formed a 12-hitpoint monster known as "The Army Of Mother Rome". He marched up and stormed 1 city, rested, then stormed another. More Elite troops began apearing as my armies took land like you would drink water. Then... disaster....
My jaw droped when I read "Egypt Allies with Babylon and declares war on Rome" However they left me alone. For awhile. I told myself they were to weak when I really knew that they were building TONS of troops, all of witch were going to do some major damage. My troops at Babylon needed Reinforcments but I was trying to become a monarchy, so they would have to hold out. They did but the war became a war of atrition, witch I was going to win because of "The Army Of Mother Rome" but they took time to rejuvinate after taking a city, time I soon ran out of...
Egypt was back, and with avengence. Chariots blitzed a important coastal city, and soon the war on my Egyption border made my entire history of war with Babylon look like a game of checkers. Elite legions won 2 out of 3 batles... They were outnumbered 1-5...Eventually my only source of iron fell, and brought my hopes of victory with it...
Hope you liked my story! I was just really boared and wanted to write somthing. I recently started a game as the germans and will write about that if anyones interested. So far I look like a Pimple on the Ass

of a elefant

but ill make that change...mark my words. Anyway, Goodnight! (12:00 here
