So far, the game is hoot better then Civ2 in my opinion

I still haven't experience any problems yet which others have complained... currently playing a Large map 8 civ game on chieftain, so i can get use to the new system. share a continent with the Romans and currently quie friendly....mainly because we still have unclaimed territory between us...but our borders are getting closer.
After trying tutorial and quitting it after the Egyptians killed two of my archers in defence.... (Archer as 2 attack, and Warrior 1 defence....both archers attacked the warrior, but died...)
I went and fidle with the Rules :P I created a new government called the Commonwealth, preq it to Genetics for some reason....
I am just wondering, is it possible to create new techs? maybe even an entire new age called the Future Age? where is the pcx or whatever file where i can plot new units? and etc... Civ3 doesn't seem as customizable as Civ2 was....... which is a downer.
I also edited the Persians and rename it the Macky, and changing the stats i prefer :P ...even thought i haven't seriously the game yet.
But the gameplay is cool at the moment, slow at the beginning and will eventually get bored after a few games, but ohwell. I have like 3600 culture by 690AD :P just bit more culture the comps combined.
another odd thing i did before starting the program....went through the dir and see all the files, see how i can custimize and so on..... i do that a lot with games i just bought. silly, yes
anyway, to bed now.....1215am and school tommorrow............
should of been doing my homework and saving my money for errans..................