I never played any Civ game before buying/playin civ 3 and I must say, I'm addicted

I'm terrible at the game still, but that's okay. I'm glad it's tough! I wasn't sure what kind of replay value it would have, but erm.. I've played one game all the way through (thanks for the bags under my eyes!) and a few where I've gotten just a bit in and decided to start over.
The one that I played all the way through was a blast! I played against two other civs, all of us on the same land, and won (the score at least) I *thought* I did pretty good

but when it all ended, and my rating came up (I won't spoil it, but the rating meter will crack you up!!), I was like 3rd from the bottom

hehe. Played on easiest level too
The one and only thing I don't like is how the screen pauses, jitters, jumps when scrolling around the land. Ugh it's annoying! Other than that, it's a wonderful game as long as you can stand
not sleeping