Thanks for the replys
m-m-m-multiplayer? whee! that'll be great!
Heh, I didn't do much, erm, any, research on the other Civ games, or on Civ3 after seeing it at E3. I was so impressed with Sid's talk, I just wanted to go in totally fresh to the game and judge it that way.
Love it!
I made the mistake of getting REALLY into a game that wasn't even in beta yet, got in the very early stages of beta, worked with the Dev team on bugs, suggestions and whatnot, and ended up very soured by the whole thing when their release version was a totally different build, full of bugs and un-fixed known issues, than the last release of beta we got to test.
I think it's kinda fun delving into a game such as this with no previous knowledge of the past releases or whatever News, promises, or anything that the devs say will be in the game before it's released. Hehe keeps me from sayin "Hey you said suchandsuch was gonna be in the game!!" *koff
Welp, thanks for lettin me know about multiplayer.. now I've got an excuse for overplaying so I can have some skills when the time comes hehe