OK this may have been a question posted in another thread, but being at work I do not have time to scan through all of them, so I hope some people can help me out.
I am sure that most people have noticed that the further you get into the game the slower it becomes. The time that it takes to cycle through the other civs is pretty bad. To the extent that I was in approximately the 16th century, playing with 8 civs and I was able to make my move, geta coke and make a grilled cheese sandwich before it was my turn again.....that is a little ridiculous.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I realize that this shoe box I call a computer is rather slow, (and that will be rectified this spring) but I am curious as to whether there are any preferences I should change on the game so that it wil lmove a little faster. ie can I speed up the unit movements, or decide which units to watch. I would love it if I could make it so that I only saw my units movements and only those of the AI when they were military units in my territory...or something along those lines. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.... ( I really hope that I do not have to wait until I get a new computer up and running for this to speed up...if that is the case I am not sure I will be making my car payments on time for these last few months)